A digital health company with an app for monitoring maternal health is receiving nearly $1 million to add an algorithm for detecting a dangerous pregnancy complication.
#News #Press #Science #Business #Women #MaternalHealth #Preeclampsia #MobileApp #DigitalHealth #PostPartum #Algorithm #MachineLearning #NSF #SBIR
#News #press #science #business #women #maternalhealth #preeclampsia #MobileApp #digitalhealth #postpartum #algorithm #machinelearning #NSF #sbir
Crop Health Device Company Raises $3.5M in Early Funds
A company detecting early-stage #crop diseases with handheld devices and artificial intelligence is raising $3.5 million in its seed venture round.
#News #Science #Business #Agriculture #CitrusGreening #Finance #MobileApp #Engineering #ArtificialIntelligence #Algorithms #NSF #Optics #SBIR #VentureCapital #Investment #SeedRound
#crop #News #science #business #agriculture #citrusgreening #finance #MobileApp #engineering #artificialintelligence #algorithms #NSF #optics #sbir #venturecapital #investment #seedround
RT @biosciencela: Join @ulpirvine on Wednesday, April 26 for OC LIFe: SBIR Success Stories! Successful recipients of the #SBIR grant and grant expert, Laura Cobb, will be sharing their experiences and expertise.
Register today
Join @ulpirvine on Wednesday, April 26 for OC LIFe: SBIR Success Stories! Successful recipients of the #SBIR grant and grant expert, Laura Cobb, will be sharing their experiences and expertise.
Register today
NIH Award Funds A.I. to Detect Alzheimer’s in Clinical Notes
A small-business grant to a developer of natural language #analytics for #health care aims to detect evidence of cognitive decline from physicians' notes in electronic health records.
#News #Science #Business #CognitiveDecline #AlzheimersDisease #Dementia #NaturalLanguageProcessing #ArtificialIntelligence #DeepLearning #Algorithms #NIH #SBIR #ClinicalNotes #ElectronicHealthRecords
#analytics #health #News #science #business #cognitivedecline #alzheimersdisease #dementia #naturallanguageprocessing #artificialintelligence #deeplearning #algorithms #nih #sbir #clinicalnotes #electronichealthrecords
Quantum, AI Systems Company Gains $500M in New Funds
A developer of #systems with #quantum computing and artificial intelligence as a service, initially for #security applications, is raising $500 million in new #venture funds.
#News #Science #Business #QuantumComputing #QuantumMechanics #Physics #Software #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #SaaS #USAF #SBIR #Finance #VentureCapital
#systems #Quantum #security #venture #News #science #business #quantumcomputing #quantummechanics #physics #software #artificialintelligence #machinelearning #SaaS #usaf #sbir #finance #venturecapital
Autism Device Company Gains Venture Funds, Joins Incubator
A new company creating precision light-activated treatments for #autism spectrum disorder symptoms is raising more #seed funds and joining a start-up #incubator program.
#News #Science #Business #AutismSpectrumDisorder #Finance #VentureCapital #Neurons #BrainWaves #StartUp #NSF #SBIR
#autism #seed #Incubator #News #science #business #autismspectrumdisorder #finance #venturecapital #neurons #brainwaves #startup #NSF #sbir
Hot off the presses!
Inside scoop on our @EPAresearch SBIR grant milestone from @spectrumnews!
#MaineNews #MaineBusiness #SBIR #SmallBiz #Gamified #DisasterPreparedness
#mainenews #mainebusiness #sbir #smallbiz #gamified #disasterpreparedness
Huge milestone as we kick off the new year! This @EPA grant is an amazing opportunity to help communities build resilience, and connection in new ways.
#maine #sbir #startup #innovate #designthinking