I realize I am demiromantic to the point that half of the time I feel aromantic...
Right now I struggle to write romantic confessing moments between Orca and Mako in #SBRad
¯\| ✖ 〜 ✖ |/¯
it's hard to keep the writing within "relatable" field instead of going into some mary sue wack.
Current progress on the story of Squeaky Bottom Rad, still got at least 6 more chapters to go. #SBRad
the interpersonal difficulties that #SBRad protagonists are facing:
trying to design a tell-a-tale game where they develop intimate relationship is difficult...
Doodles and sketches I made on the trains during my first business trip.
#starscream #sbrad #procreate #人外
Compiling a #SBRad mega thread🧵, this is the beginning toot. I did not even have names for these OCs back then, and my head was very empty for the name of the project.
i know what you wanna say chatgpt, u just can't say it: "size" matters. #SBRad
It's been decided, the indie project name would be Squeaky Bottom Rad, and the tag for it would be #SBRad
thanks to the VRchat peeps I met in just B club for helping me figure out a name【笑】
(i basically approached them, asked them to help me, told them my concept, and i got "Squeaky Bottom" as result)