The popular vote is like the bonus stars in Mario Party 🌟 #eurovision #SBSEurovision
Favourites - GigaChad, Rapunzel crew, Aussie Pantene Commercial, Old Blokes in Undies. We should win. #SBSEurovision
Every time he steps out of that car I hold my breath! #VoyagerAUS #sbseurovision #eurovision
#voyageraus #sbseurovision #eurovision
Cyprus with the Aussie GigaChad! Exceeding expectations if I'm honest #SBSEurovision
Drag queens, a young person of colour voguing, and all the shimmery glorious-ness. With some beautiful Ukrainian involvement. So good to see Eurovision fighting back against the hate with some queer love.
#Eurovision2023 #Eurovision #SBSEurovision
#Eurovision2023 #eurovision #sbseurovision
Shame...but at least I won't get annoyed I can't watch it...👀
Sadly, there will be no Australia Decides this year. #SBSEurovision
Just had an almost heart attack. The phone showed an "article you might want to read" as:
SBS not proceeding with Eurovision: Australia Decides in 2023.
I read it as "SBS not proceeding with Eurovision in 2023"
Not sure I like the idea of going back to the internal selection process?
I need a strong drink and a lie down now.
Wash those hands, baby, Serbia is in.
Producer: how much lighting do you want? CZE: Yes #SBSEurovision
Proper 90s synth board aesthetic there. Pick your genre and run with it at top speed.
This is excellent!
Finally, someone who properly understands the Eurovision formula of heartfelt verses and triumphant choruses. I'm smelling a winner.
Ah, the tried and true "win because I'm such a heartthrob" routine.
Solid mid 00s boy band vibes and solid vocals.
Got Starlink? #MNE #Eurovision #SBSEurovision
#mne #eurovision #sbseurovision
A Celine Dion song minus the soar. A patently big - emotional - journey.
Belting it out like a champion, though.
I can't get the vibe, its way too subtle.
But he's definitely taking this song as far as he can. Points for going for it.
The PVC pants are really the most exceptional part of this song.
Constructed by checklist, written and performed by competent professionals.