Guten Morgen, mit dem Zug unterwegs zur #SBV-Konferenz, einer Weiterbildung für #Schwerbehindertenvertreter durch den VdK.
#schwerbehindertenvertreter #sbv
Befürworter sehen nach Ja Meilenstein für Klima - SVP fordert Versprechen ein
Nach dem Ja der Stimmbevölkerung zum Klimaschutzgesetz zeigt sich die breite Befürworter-Allianz zufrieden. #GastroSuisse #HauseigentümerverbandSchweiz #Economiesuisse #SBV #SchweizerTourismusVerband(STV) #news
#gastrosuisse #hauseigentumerverbandschweiz #economiesuisse #sbv #schweizertourismusverband #news
Just watched a clip of Senator John Kennedy talking about #SBV and he pronounced it Silicone Valley. LOL. That's a very different valley, Senator.
Was listening to the latest TWiT about the #SBV bankruptcy, and immediately thought of this classic @LoadingReadyRun video.
Elizabeth Warren: "it’s critical that those responsible not be rewarded. #SBV and #Signature shareholders will be wiped out, but their executives must also be held accountable. ... Congress should empower regulators to recover pay and bonuses. Prosecutors and regulators should investigate whether any executives engaged in insider trading or broke other civil or criminal laws."
George Carlin: "It's a big club, and you ain't in it."
#SBV #SocialSecurity #GOP #Dems
#dems #gop #socialsecurity #sbv
Treasury announced FDIC is going to make all #SBV depositors whole, regardless of the deposit insurance limit
So, as usual, rules are for proles, enforced at gunpoint.
For capital owners, they're a suggestion.
We live in a golden age of thievery.
Burning question: How is Thiel-backed-for-Senate venture capital employee (Mithral Capital) then partner (Narya Capital) #JDVance connected to #SBV?
Which US lawmakers withdrew funds from the bank? When, why? And how might they have gotten inside information about the bank's collapse?
While Twitter talks about #SBV , here are full of cat pictures 😸 #notComplaining
If anyone ever challenges you on why good #UX matters, you can send them this thread
tldr; some crypto chummer got rekt for $2MM because they didn't read the popup or understand how to use the existing safety mechanisms
#crypto #defi #usdc #circle #sbv #ethereum #productmanagement #rekt #curve
#ux #crypto #defi #usdc #circle #sbv #ethereum #productmanagement #rekt #curve
hilarious that pics related got title swapped and then flagged off the front page of the orange site. so fucking transparent
link below
#ycombinator #sbv
Who else thinks that Republicans' deregulation of banks in 2018 was not a good idea? #SBV
@mtheriaultsf @jenniferplusplus @josh
While I am certain there are folks wanting to dance on the grave of #SBV, I don't think that's the general attitude in this space. We know #capitalism is broken; it's a feature. This is how trickle-down #economics works; when a bank fails, it's the ones at the bottom who perish.
If your feed is full of glee, maybe you can unfollow the chucklefucks.
#SBV’s president told Congress [8 yrs ago] “enhanced prudential standards” should be lifted “given the low risk profile of our activities.”
3years later — after the bank spent more than half a million dollars on federal lobbying — lawmakers obliged.
Friday... the FDIC took it over, following a bank run by its customers. The bank reportedly did not have a chief risk officer in the months leading up to the collapse, while more than 90% of its deposits were not insured.
Heute war bei uns die Hauptversammlung der Schwerbehindertenvertretung (#SBV). Mal wieder festgestellt, dass ich in unserem Amt auf der Insel der Glückseeligen lebe. Nichts desto Trotz, habe ich dank heute wieder eine Baustelle ausgemacht und macht mich gleich morgen an die Arbeit. Es gibt immer was zu tun, packen wir es an...