A friend who is trying to make ends meet, asked me to share this link.
Please check it out.
Also, please boost!
Thank you!
This week's blog post is about my recent journey back into #SCA heavy weapons fighting.
I hope to see a bit more public clarification about the situation (I know what's going on mainly via Discord, but most folks probably don't know the context), but it's good to see the #SCA BoD taking reasonably quick action on bad behavior by Royalty:
Fans of #Heraldry may enjoy this short article on _Named Heraldry_, showing the evolution of several gloriously horrible joke devices:
Y'know, I swear I used to think y'all were smarter than that...
#covid #pennsic #sca #scaburnout #faafo #dumbfucks #CovidIsNotOver
Y'know, I swear I used to think y'all were smarter than that...
#covid #pennsic #sca #scaburnout #faafo #dumbfucks #covidisnotoverl
Skogsbolagen och skogen i Sverige
Idag finns det tre skogsbolag bland de 10 största skogsägarna i Sverige tillsammans med ett statligt företag Sveaskog, ett statligt verk Statens Fastighetsverk, Svenska Kyrkan, två mindre skogsägarföretag, ett familj
#Ekonomi #Skogsbruk #BergvikSkogstAB #GysingeSkogAB #HolmenAB #HlleforsTierpSkogarAB #KopparforsSkogarAB #SCA #Skogsgande #StoraSkogsbolag #StoraEnsoAB #SvenskaCellulosaAB
#svenskacellulosaab #storaensoab #storaskogsbolag #skogsgande #sca #kopparforsskogarab #hlleforstierpskogarab #holmenab #gysingeskogab #bergvikskogstab #skogsbruk #ekonomi
You know that point in the journey of escaping a #cult when you realize that everyone you know is still in, and you've forgotten how to interact with people who don't have that common experience base, and you feel totally alone and you wonder if you really made the right decision because maybe, just maybe, the comfort and familiarity might have been worth all of the emotional abuse and constant drain on your soul?
In other news, I'm not going to #Pennsic this year...
#cult #pennsic #sca #scaburnout #itsacult
I dreamed I was at a large #SCA event and had packed the wrong clothes.
Whatever could it mean?
In unrelated news, I leave for Pennsic soon.
@ClaireFromClare @EdwardOvercoat @medievodons
Because citations are good - the driving force behind this is @doctorlogic - and many to most of the editorial staff are re-enactors in the #SCA
The biggest factor for me has been that, as a Society, we focus so strongly on Western European ideals. However, for many marginalized groups, that was a culture of colonialism and oppression.
I’ve had a hard time reconciling that, especially after stepping into an active DEIB role in my mundane work. How do you bring the #MiddleAges and #Renaissance into the modern era of DEIB?
I hope to see an answer now. 🤞🏻
#SocietyForCreativeAnachronism #SCA #DEIB #Diversity #Equity #Inclusion #Belonging
#middleages #renaissance #societyforcreativeanachronism #sca #deib #diversity #equity #inclusion #belonging
The latest announcement coming from Corpora is quite important and impactful. I am excited to see more work being done with this.
The lack of DEIB and DEIB standards in the Society has been one of the reasons I’ve been slow returning to active play since COVID. (More thoughts in the comments…)
Link to announcement:
#SocietyForCreativeAnachronism #SCA #DEIB #Diversity #Equity #Inclusion #Belonging
#societyforcreativeanachronism #sca #deib #diversity #equity #inclusion #belonging
#SCA I went to Outlands coronation yesterday and lasted about 3 hours. I think that was more people than I have been around since March 2020, possibly even if you add up all of the people... (I think I would have done well in the Anchorage next to Julian of Norwich.)
But it was a nice partial return to the old days.
I have many interests, but few (if any) true hobbies. I'm a consumer, not a creator. I really should work to change that.
Surrounding myself with interesting, skilled, and creative people (mostly in the #SCA) in the hope that some of it would rub off on me was perhaps a good start (and worth doing regardless), but not enough.
At least I am (slowly, slowly) getting back into giving speeches in #Toastmasters. That's not nothing.
I’m not actually the one in Alaska taking these pictures, my son in working for the #sca this summer
We had a special 4th of July fighting/fencing practice out at Spring Point Light. I didn’t end up gearing up, because it was very rainy, but I’m glad I went.
@MarthaCrimson gonna start with linen here - it's Texas in July! But yeah
First up is a chemise, veil, and wimple for me. I have other garb. Then likely tunics - 2 for daughter (or a cote and surcoat), 1 each for husband and son, 3 coifs, and Husbot has requested a proper cloak.
That's enough to get us clothes for a minimum.
My project list just got really long lol.
But I wanted a hobby to get us out of the house and away from our computers. Looks like I found it!
I've played in the SCA for 20 years (off and on, mostly dormant since 2017) and even when I've been in relationships, I've played alone. I've been getting more active lately, and then this conversation happened:
Me: I think Daughter would really like playing in the SCA with me
Husband: I think we *all* would like playing in the SCA
Me: is that a request that I garb this family?
Husband: sounds like it
Husband: when's fighter practice?
#sca #sewing #blendedfamily #ansteorra
I was really nervous that I would just not know how to fence anymore, but as soon as I started I was like oh, right, this is how this goes. The muscle memory is all there, some of it just needs some adjustment.
I’m even more excited for summer event season now.