Good news: the Southern California Linux Expo (#scale20x) #cfp is up. All kinds of #openSource user and developer content welcome...from Big Data devops to a K-12 track
(if you want to do a grassroots hobbyist/student event and a corporate career advancement event but only have a travel budget for one event, you're all set)
@maxcoutard not sure if you're in the same starting point, but my #FreeCAD presentation at #SCaLE20x was intended to get people a jump-start and then you could follow up with Mango Jelly videos. Slide deck plus video:
Almost all videos from KCD Los Angeles are now live!
Also, see the SCALE schedule grid for Cloud Native videos from the rest of the conference:
#scale20x #kcdla #kcd #kubernetes
Finally remembered to let the #scale20x staff know where I put up the slides and notes from my talk, and the link is now on the page
notes from my talk at #scale20x -- #privacy tools and habits will not get you privacy, but imho it's important to develop them anyway
I hope #EverythingOpen and #SCALE20x both implement a mask mandate next year.
I'd quite like to attend those events, but a mask mandate is the bare minimum of pandemic risk mitigation.
More people should be asking for that. Including people who attended/are attending those events right now.
It's not hard, and I'm here burning my scarce spoons to help organizers figure it out and make events safer and more inclusive *for everyone.*
#everythingopen #scale20x #PHPledge #disability #dei #HealthAndSafety
Welp, i had a lot of fun, and made a lot of (re)connections, it wad a great #20x, thank you @socallinuxexpo !! #SCALE20x
thank you #lutris #NextCloud #eff #fsf #debian #redhat #gnome #gitlab and all the #FOSS people and projects I had the great privilege to hang out with and learn from this year!
#20x #scale20x #lutris #nextcloud #eff #fsf #debian #redhat #gnome #gitlab #foss
Closing the day with a bang: #OpenSource #MachineLearning... Have you thought about what that would look like? Ballroom F #Scale20x starting soon
#OpenSource #machinelearning #scale20x
Our @ed is going to talk about the challenge of defining #OpenSource #AI systems at 6pm at #SCALE20x ballroom F.