Unlock the power of growth hacking 🚀! Discover how startups can scale-up with innovative strategies in our latest article. Learn from real case studies like Dropbox's success! #GrowthHacking #Startups #ScaleUp
#growthhacking #startups #scaleup
"DE LA START-UP A LA SCALE-UP" : une conférence co-organisée par les associations TBS, Arts & Métiers et ENAC Alumni !
📆 MERCREDI 24 MAI à 18h30
Dans les locaux de TBS Ă Toulouse
👉 Avec en invités Pascal RAVEL (IENAC 94), Président de Time to Fly, Arthur LEROUX, Président d' Enogia, et Ivan MITTLER, Directeur Général du Comptoir des Pharmacies, cette table ronde sera animée par Yohan HARROCH.
Inscrivez-vous vite !
#entrepreneuriat #enac #startup #scaleup #conference
Vertreter der HS Augsburg waren an der #THRosenheim zu Besuch in unserem #SCALEUP Raum. Ihre Erfahrungen gibt es hier zum nachlesen
RT @exchangelab: Everyone loves a flashy new app.
But what do you do with all those old apps and services?
Our new team, Digital Modification, is looking at how the #BCGov can update its legacy services at scale.
#bcgov #digitalbc #digimod #scaleup #oneteamgov
Búskaparfrøðilesandi á valfakinum #Vakstrarfyritøkur vitja @Hugskotið, har @soley skipar fyri verkstovu um amboðið Value Proposition Canvas #Hugskotið #startup #scaleup #Setrið #StartupsAndScaleups
#vakstrarfyritokur #hugskotid #startup #scaleup #setrid #startupsandscaleups
Startups need to deliver, scale ups need to grow, SMEs need to optimize.
#strategy #startups #scaleup #b2b #saas #consultants
Werk jij aan een innovatieve #scaleup die een belangrijk verschil kan maken in de #gezondheidszorg? Meld je dan voor 7 maart aan voor de Health Impact Accelerator van Zorginnovatie.nl.
My interview with Gary Spagnoli from Zen Anchor Digital on scaling your business and lead generation is live:
#garyspagnoli #scalingyourbusiness #scaleup #businessprocesses #leadgeneration
#garyspagnoli #scalingyourbusiness #scaleup #businessprocesses #leadgeneration
ChatGPT threw in the towel -for now?-. #Scaleup is the most important thing in various industries.
Vectrix startup deal van het jaar 2023: nog open voor mooie nominaties van bedrijven die afgelopen jaar >200k hebben opgehaald #startup #scaleup
When Y Combinator (YC), Silicon Valley’s famous #startup school, was founded in 2005, it didn’t just propel the #startups like Airbnb, Stripe and Coinbase to #scaleup success — it paved the way for an ecosystem of startup accelerators.
But what does a startup #accelerator actually do? Here’s what founders need to know.
#startup #startups #scaleup #accelerator
I experienced this a lot as a hiring manager at #Tyro.
#Sydney has a lot of investment banks, both local and foreign, employing a lot of Tech people. We'd often get experienced people from these employers applying to work with us on our #NeoBank #ScaleUp. They were usually very attracted by the interesting products we were working on, the cutting edge tech we were using, and the (truly) agile, non-bureaucratic culture.
But when it came time to talk about money, it was quite common for their pay to be significantly above our (already above-average) range. Many of them *knew* that their investment bank was paying them above (the rest of) the market , and they *really* wanted to move to something more enjoyable. But many of them also found it very hard to stomach the prospect of a small pay cut.
#tyro #sydney #neobank #scaleup
Every time during my last presentation at a conference when I thought I was done, this annoying little guy popped up on my presentation slides and forced me to go on seeking a solution...
Every time during my last presentation at a conference when I thought I was done, this annoying little guy popped up on my presentation slides and forced me to go on seeking a solution...
If the world new how many pilot projects promised to #scaleup success these 5 paltry winners of #UK’s #Earthshot would make you as sad as this makes me. We don’t have time for #pilots and helping 60 people in tiny ways. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-63829126
#scaleup #uk #earthshot #pilots
If you’re considering selling your business or are in the end of an M&A opportunity, highly recommend this article. There are a lot of materials about founding and scaling, but post acquisition can be a turbulent time and a good understanding of your buyers strategy, direction and intent will help.
#product #scaleup #startup #strategy #portfoliomanagement
#portfoliomanagement #strategy #startup #scaleup #product
Forget Elon Musk and his dream of a “Hardcore” culture of crazy work over long hours. He might be a tech revolutionary, but his leadership style is from the 50s (or earlier). Instead of a hardcore performance culture, we need a HEALTHY Performance Culture.
If you want your startup to succeed and grow faster than you ever imagined (while avoiding turning into an mini Elon tyrant) then you need to ensure 4 things
#startup #scaleup #leadership #culture
#scaleup #startup #culture #leadership