Le #Cloud est vaste: de l'IA, du machine learning expliqués simplement par @wildagsx, aux logiciels pour surveiller et limiter les coûts du ☁️ grâce à l'introduction du Finops @jlandure au @Cloud_Alpes
#CloudAlpes #Cloudproviders #AWS #GCP #Azure #Scaleway #OVHcloud #Exoscale
#exoscale #ovhcloud #scaleway #azure #gcp #aws #cloudproviders #cloudalpes #cloud
@usul J’ai un NDD chez #bookmyname (qui est rattaché à #Scaleway ) et tu peux faire les deux.
The end of an era! 🫡
After almost 7 years of service everything of this trusty old #VM has been migrated. This was quite the journey moving it all to a new platform 😮💨
Bye bye global #Hyperscaler Provider, hello sustainable European Cloud (#Scaleway)! 🇪🇺
At 2:26 PM (CEST), #Scaleway told me they were not going to unblock my account and they didn't want to tell me why. Almost feel like this cloud provider is just collecting user data to sell.
At 10:10 AM today, I created a Scaleway account to see if this public cloud is any better then GCloud. At 10:21 they blocked my account for "suspicious activity". Not a good start, Scaleway. Not a good start at all.
Maintenance prévue le 20 par #Scaleway sur la machine hébergeant #CryptCheck
Downtime à prévoir ce jour donc.
@wifi_freak I'm using an S3-like storage on #Scaleway, didn't want to keep all of that stuff on a disk, currently at ~17GB I think
Okay, #scaleway responded fast (less than hour after creating ticket - far after european working hours). Seems they locked me because I haven't given them my phone number. Let's give them another shot.
And first "prod" attempt at #scaleway -backed backup failed due to 403 error. Why? Because, apparently, they nuked the (empty, to be fair) bucket...
So apparently, #scaleway default settings (?) require me to re-auth my browser *and* my IP if I'm using password authentication because they force magic links. Not only it's very 90-s thinking on #scaleway part (pre-QuakeWorld versions of #Quake assumed everyone has distinct IPv4 address), but they forgot that mail scanners, for example like those in MS Exchange and Google Mail, *might* actually click those magic links.
Anyone has any idea what EXACTLY means "first 75GB is free" in #scaleway bucket storage? Is that first 75 GBh (as it's billed per GB/h) or 75GB of actual data no matter how long I keep it in bucket?
I have it set up to periodically push the pictures I've uploaded to #Scaleway, which I have set up as a WebDAV server (via rclone) to do that... but I'm pretty sure I can't delete them from the hard drive or it has nothing to go off of (since it probably doesn't know to check on WebDAV for non-local pictures...)
I might be better off just sticking with #Google Photos and paying them for it. It's not a service I can afford to run or lose.
Je viens de migrer mon site perso de #Scaleway, devenu trop cher au fur et à mesure des augmentations de prix vers #Pulseheberg.
Merci à #Ansible qui permet de migrer simplement sans rien oublier !!
Et pour une fois j'ai pensé à réduire les TTL avant migration, ça aide quand même beaucoup !
#ansible #pulseheberg #scaleway
tiens, chez #scaleway ils m'ont encore fait une blague commerciale. je n'ai presque plus rien chez eux, seulement mon vps historique qui coutait pas grand chose et où j'ai mis un bridge tor et un bucket de sauvegarde.
On dira que c'est l'inflation... mais presque x2 sur la facture! (faut relativiser vu le montant, mais bon)
One tiny nuance though, I did not set the storage class to one zone infrequent access, that's why it costed me some cents.
You need to set:
in your env, if you want to benefit from 75 GB free storage for #mastodon.
Here's the PR on the source code, it's rather a new feature:
But for stability, if this was my business I'd gladly pay fore extra cash to them. So far my experience with them were flawless.
#mastodon #mastoadmin #scaleway
3 days in #scaleway as object storage solution (behind #cloudflare proxy, as cdn):
Zero broken images
Zero upload issues
Zero downtime
Speeds are not the best, but still quite decent. This also depends on remotes, so no exact way to compare, purely on feels.
Comparing to #idrive this change is huge!
#scaleway #cloudflare #idrive #mastoadmin