Victory for Open Seas in #Scotland court ruling: the small #marine campaigning organisation, #OpenSeas, has won a legal victory in the Scottish courts over #scallop dredging.
#environmentaljustice #scallop #openseas #marine #scotland
This was dive #2 with the 14-42mm kit lens + diopter, so I knew what I was in for this time around. It was kind of quiet underwater, but we did manage to find a single Tenelia veridis, some cooperative sand shrimp, some grubbies, but the real highlight of the dive was a quarter-sized scallop. They are so neat to look at with all those eyes looking out at you.
#scuba #diving #underwater #macrophotography #shrimp #fish #nudibranch #scallop #NewEngland #coldwater #olympus #epl
#scuba #diving #underwater #macrophotography #shrimp #fish #nudibranch #scallop #newengland #coldwater #olympus #EPL
Have a beautiful Day of Aphrodite aka Venus' Day aka Frigg's Day aka Friday 🌹
Meet this gorgeous Greek terracotta figurine depicting the birth of #Aphrodite: the goddess emerges from an open #scallop shell in the nude, seated with her legs tucked beneath, long wavy hair falling to her shoulders, while she's looking at herself in a mirror held in her right hand.
Dated ca. 4th century BCE
#DayOfAphrodite #GreekMythology #mythology #GreekRomanArt #ancientGreece @antiquidons @mythology @histodons
#aphrodite #scallop #dayofaphrodite #greekmythology #mythology #greekromanart #ancientgreece
“Recent studies have shown that some species of #scallop are drawn to #light, and this has resulted in an innovative new method of #fishing that is more sustainable: Instead of using a net to drag along the sea floor, fishermen can now use lobster pots equipped with little #LED lights, a bit like an #underwater disco.”
#video #animals #mollusc #mollusk #scallops #science #biology #sustainability #eyes #naturalhistorymuseum
#scallop #light #fishing #led #underwater #video #animals #mollusc #mollusk #scallops #Science #biology #sustainability #eyes #naturalhistorymuseum
There were quite a few of these beautiful slim conical #shells in one place on #Portobello beach. Picked up the nicest ones I could see. Found an almost perfect #scallop #shell too.
#BeachWalk #PortobelloBeach #Edinburgh
#edinburgh #portobellobeach #beachwalk #shell #scallop #portobello #shells
青森屋釣扇貝體驗=ホタテ釣り青森=Scallop fishing in Japan (Aomori Prefecture)
在青森屋釣扇貝限時大挑戰! 最後, 每人都有獎勵: 1個好吃的蘋果酥~ 釣到3個扇貝的人可以多得到1個獎勵: 一瓶飲料!! 很有趣的體驗~~ #星野リゾート #青森 #扇貝 #釣扇貝 #ホタテ #ホタテ釣り #hoshino #aomori #scallop #scallop fishing #japan #travel #fishing
#Aomori #Aomoridestinations #Aomoritour #Aomoritravel #Aomoritrip #Aomorivacation #青森
#星野リゾート #青森 #扇貝 #釣扇貝 #ホタテ #ホタテ釣り #hoshino #aomori #scallop #japan #travel #fishing #aomoridestinations #aomoritour #aomoritravel #aomoritrip #aomorivacation
ホタテ釣り青森=Scallop fishing in Japan (Aomori Prefecture)= 青森屋釣扇貝體驗
在青森屋釣扇貝限時大挑戰! 最後, 每人都有獎勵: 1個好吃的蘋果酥~ 釣到3個扇貝的人可以多得到1個獎勵: 一瓶飲料!! 很有趣的體驗~~ #星野リゾート #青森 #扇貝 #釣扇貝 #ホタテ #ホタテ釣り #hoshino #aomori #scallop #scallop fishing #japan #travel #fishing
#Aomori #Aomoridestinations #Aomoritour #Aomoritravel #Aomoritrip #Aomorivacation #青森
#星野リゾート #青森 #扇貝 #釣扇貝 #ホタテ #ホタテ釣り #hoshino #aomori #scallop #japan #travel #fishing #aomoridestinations #aomoritour #aomoritravel #aomoritrip #aomorivacation
Do you know what a Potato Fritter is called in Coventry? That's right, a Scallop.
Now, do you know what a Bap is called in Coventry? No? Well, it's called a Batch. I knew none of this until 5 years ago when I moved here
So, a Scallop Batch is quite a thing in Cov. A bit of a local delicacy.
And now you know.
I have some exciting beer news later...
Einige von euch wissen, daß ich mich gegen Tierhandel, und hier insbesondere gegen #SharkFinning positioniere.
Schaut mal hier rein, da geht es um den Effekt des Rückgangs von Blauhaien (schrappen am Aussterben lang) und den Effekt, den das massenhafte Töten dieser Spezies auf die Umwelt hat. Das ist übrigens eine Kurzdarstellung, es ist das gesamte Lebensnetz betroffen.
#Shark #SharkConservation #SharkProtection #Scallop #StingRay #PaulHiltonPhoto #IG #Conservancy
#sharkfinning #shark #sharkconservation #sharkprotection #scallop #stingray #paulhiltonphoto #ig #conservancy
八戸から尻屋崎と寒立馬旅 A Trip from Hachinohe to Shiriyazaki and Kandachime Horses
#Aomori #goldenweek #GW旅 #Hachinohe #kandachime #kandachimehorses #Mutsu #mutsubay #nanko #scallop #shimokitahanto #shinkansen #Shiriyazaki #shiriyazakilighthouse #tohoku #tohokudrive #yokohamamachi #ホタテ #ホタテ釜飯 #むつ #むつ市 #下北半島 #八戸 #寒立馬 #尻屋崎 #尻屋崎ツアー #尻屋崎灯台 #新幹線旅 #東北 #東北ドライブ #楠こう #横浜町 #菜の花 #菜の花プラザ #道の駅よこはま. #青森
#aomori #goldenweek #gw旅 #hachinohe #kandachime #kandachimehorses #mutsu #mutsubay #nanko #scallop #shimokitahanto #shinkansen #shiriyazaki #shiriyazakilighthouse #tohoku #tohokudrive #yokohamamachi #ホタテ #ホタテ釜飯 #むつ #むつ市 #下北半島 #八戸 #寒立馬 #尻屋崎 #尻屋崎ツアー #尻屋崎灯台 #新幹線旅 #東北 #東北ドライブ #楠こう #横浜町 #菜の花 #菜の花プラザ #道の駅よこはま #青森
Bay #scallop #tostada w/fermented Fresno #chili, #avocado crema, & #cilantro at #Frances #Restaurant #SanFrancisco
#scallop #tostada #chili #avocado #cilantro #frances #restaurant #sanfrancisco
For day 17 of #ArtAdventCalendar I've gone with more Inktober inspired art. This was for this past October's Scallop prompt. This is drawn in Monteverde Sweet Life Iced Cookie with my Moonman M2 (Fine nib).
#FountainPenInk #FountainPen #Inktober #Scallop #Sketchbook #Drawing
#artadventcalendar #fountainpenink #fountainpen #inktober #scallop #sketchbook #drawing
ポートランドの店の名前はISF Trading。経営者はたぶん日本人。メニューも日本語。客もほとんど日本人みたいです。ホタテ、ウニは確実に、そしてたぶん鯖も地元産。マグロも地元産の可能性あり。ちなみにメイン州はウニを大量に日本に輸出しています。
#isftrading #刺身 #thanksgiving #ウニ #マグロ #ハマチ #ホタテ #seafood #tuna #amberjack #urchin #scallop
Para el #inktober2022 me acordé de los peregrinos del camino de Santiago, y sus vieiras
#inktober2022 #inks #scallop #santiago #pilgrim #illustrator #chile
Has there been a scallop v potato cake debate on Mastodon yet?
#scallop #PotatoCake
Photo: Daniella Jukic – We Are Found.
it's that time of year again, and i'm trying to catch up -w-~!
first batch is just random chars until the last one; Sharone and Sarashahad with the scallops
#inktober #gargoyle #scurry #bat #scallop #dragon #spider #shota #sfw #nudity #oc
#inktober #gargoyle #scurry #bat #scallop #dragon #spider #shota #sfw #nudity #oc
Buon #inktober a tutti!
Quest'anno ho deciso per motivi personali ed organizzativi di mantenermi sul semplice.
Come? Dite che sono in ritardo? Beh, la vita non è più quella di una volta...
Intanto ecco i primi quattro ovvero #gargoyle, #scurry (corsa veloce), #bat (dai che lo sapete) e #scallop (questa potete intuirla).
Per i prossimi restate sintonizzati!
#inktober2022 #illustration #disegnotradizionale #traditionalart #illustrazione
#inktober #gargoyle #scurry #bat #scallop #inktober2022 #illustration #disegnotradizionale #TraditionalArt #illustrazione
Well I don't have time to do inktober this year. But I'm doing inktober this year.
#inktober #inktober2022
#gargoyle #scurry #bat #scallop
#MastoArt #DigitalArt #CreativeToots
INPUT TOOL: XP-Pen Deco pro Medium
#CreativeToots #DigitalArt #MastoArt #scallop #bat #scurry #gargoyle #inktober2022 #inktober