❤️Seit Ihr #Illustrator, ein grafischer #Künstler / #Designer oder einfach jemand, der gerne zeichnet oder malt, dann veröffentlicht euer #Kunstwerk mit dem Hashtag: #ScambiVerseContest
Thema ist das Wort: VERS
Mehr auf: ➡️ https://ogy.de/4zpy
#scambiversecontest #kunstwerk #designer #kunstler #illustrator
Illustration of a poster for the #ScambiFestival 2023.
💚Are you an #illustrator / #graphicartist / #designer or just someone who likes to draw or paint, then post your #artwork with the hashtag: #ScambiVerseContest
The theme is: VERSE
More ➡️ https://ogy.de/4zpy
⚪Curator: #Scambi cultural festival in #LaPigna Italy 🇮🇹
Website: https://ogy.de/zatt
Pixelfed: https://ogy.de/slym
#art #drawing #painting #poster #illustration @scambi
Deutsche Übersetzung anbei
#illustration #poster #painting #drawing #art #lapigna #scambi #scambiversecontest #artwork #designer #graphicartist #illustrator #scambifestival
Ciao! Siamo lo staff di #Scambi, il #Festival dei #Laboratori #Paneuretici.
Ogni ultima settimana di agosto, organizziamo un festival culturale aperto e inclusivo ne La #Pigna, il centro storico di Sanremo. Invitiamo persone ed organizzazioni incredibili a tenere #Lab interattivi sugli argomenti più diversi. C’è troppo da raccontare per far stare tutto in un toot… visitate il nostro sito per saperne di più!
Con questo post, apriamo il concorso per l’illustrazione del poster di #ScambiFestival 2023.
Se sei illustratorə, artista graficə, designer o semplicemente se ami disegnare, immagina come rappresenteresti “VERSO”, il tema dell’edizione del prossimo anno.
Quando la tua opera sarà terminata, pubblicala sul #Fediverso con l’hashtag #ScambiVerseContest, oppure inviala via email a staff@scambi.org.
Annunceremo il vincitore all’inizio di Febbraio 2023.
FAMA e GLORIA eterne, ovviamente!
A parte gli scherzi, se la tua illustrazione viene scelta per la locandina di Scambi 2023, ti ospiteremo a Sanremo a nostre spese per partecipare al festival, dal 24 al 27 agosto 2023 (spese di viaggio escluse).
La coordinatrice del nostro team grafico, @Vittoriaviale, sta cercando compagnз di squadra per aiutarla a sviluppare la nostra identità visiva per il 2023. Sei caldamente invitatə a scriverle, magari potresti cominciare a lavorare con lei!
Tutto qui!
Non vediamo l’ora di ricevere moltissimi capolavori!
#scambi #festival #laboratori #paneuretici #pigna #lab #scambifestival #fediverso #scambiversecontest
Hi! We are the staff #Scambi, the #Festival of #Paneurethic #Labs.
Every last week of August, we organize an inclusive and open #cultural festival in La Pigna, a historical neighborhood of #Sanremo, #Italy. We invite incredible people and organizations from all over the world to host many interactive #Laboratories on the most diverse topics. There is too much to say to fit everything in one toot… check out our website to know more!
With this post, we are opening the contest for the #illustration of the poster of #ScambiFestival 2023.
If you are an #illustrator, a graphical #artist, a #designer, or simply someone who loves to #draw/#paint, envision how would you depict “VERSE” (“verso” in Italian), the theme of next year’s edition.
Once you are done, publish your #artwork on the #Fediverse with the hashtag #ScambiVerseContest, or send it via email to staff@scambi.org.
We will announce the winner at the beginning of February 2023.
FAME and GLORY, of course!
Jokes apart, if your illustration gets chosen to be the one representing Scambi Festival 2023, we will host you in Sanremo at our expenses to attend the festival, from the 24th to the 27th of August 2023 (travel expenses not included).
Our lead graphic @Vittoriaviale is looking for teammates to help her build our 2023 visual identity. You are invited to text her and maybe you could start working with her!
That’s it!
We can’t wait to receive many astounding chef-d'œuvres !
#scambi #festival #paneurethic #labs #cultural #sanremo #italy #laboratories #illustration #scambifestival #illustrator #artist #designer #draw #artwork #fediverse #scambiversecontest
Hi! We are the staff of #Scambi, the #Festival of #Paneurethic #Labs.
Every August, we organize an inclusive and open #cultural festival in La Pigna, the old town of #Sanremo, #Italy. We invite incredible people and organizations from all over the world to host many interactive #Laboratories on the most diverse topics. There is too much to say to fit everything in one toot… check out our website to know more!
With this post, we are opening the contest for the #illustration of the poster of #ScambiFestival 2023.
If you are an #illustrator, a graphical #artist, a #designer, or simply someone who loves to #draw/#paint, envision how would you depict “VERSE” (“verso” in Italian), the theme of next year’s edition.
Once you are done, publish your #artwork on the #Fediverse with the hashtag #ScambiVerseContest, or send it via email to staff@scambi.org.
We will announce the winner at the beginning of February 2023.
FAME and GLORY, of course!
Jokes apart, if your illustration gets chosen to be the one representing Scambi Festival 2023, we will host you in Sanremo at our expenses to attend the festival, from the 24th to the 27th of August 2023 (travel expenses not included).
Our lead graphic, @Vittoriaviale, is looking for teammates to help her build our 2023 visual identity. You are invited to text her and maybe you could start working with her!
#scambi #festival #paneurethic #labs #cultural #sanremo #italy #laboratories #illustration #scambifestival #illustrator #artist #designer #draw #artwork #fediverse #scambiversecontest