A scammer just called, and I waited until he got on the phone and then made "the most annoying sound in the world" (from Dumb and Dumber) into the microphone of the phone at high volume until he hung up.
#scammer #revenge #funny #annoying #phonespam
Ob man da noch #Mausgeklickt sagen kann ?
#scammer #dea #einmalmitprofis #web3 #mausgeklickt
Schockanrufe wirken, nicht nur bei Senioren.
Hört mal, wie das klingt. Aus der c't:
"Die Kriminalprävention der Polizei Hamburg hat einen Schockanruf nachgesprochen
und möchte so sensibilisieren. Das Anhören lohnt sich, denn die Masche ist perfide
und baut enormen psychischen Druck auf. Einen Link zur Aufzeichnung finden Sie
über ct.de/y7pu"
#scammer #betrug
DEA gets duped: Agency loses $55K in address poisoning scam - The DEA, the country's lead drug enforcement agency, is yet to fi... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/dea-loses-tether-in-address-poisoning-scam #addresspoisoning #cryptowallet #scammer #tether #crypto #usdt #scam #dea #fbi #50k
#50k #fbi #dea #scam #USDT #crypto #tether #scammer #cryptowallet #addresspoisoning
Man scammers have gotten good with text scams, just got a text saying my phone number was used to register a temu account, with a url that seemed legit (looked online and it was very similar to actual links used by temu) ofc i didn't click on the url even if it looked legit and decided to see if i could recover "my" account using the phone number and turns out there is no account. Scary stuff that im sure non-techsavy people would 100% fall for.
Wie verfasse ich eine Anzeige gegen Twitter aka X, nach $138 StGb?
Ich habe Twitter mehrfach den Account gemeldet.Aber es wird nix unternommen. Noch nicht mal eine Reaktion ist in meinem eMail-Konto eingetroffen.
Kann es sein, dass Musk #Scammer unterstützt/ fördert?
An meine Co-Drehbuch-Autoren:
Soll ich, sollten die #Scammer wieder antworten (noch schweigen sie), meinen (nicht existierenden) Mann im Chat als Eifersüchtiger erscheinen lassen?
Oder soll ich weiter leiden?
Zu heftig?
#scammer #internetbetrug #abzocke
Habe meinen #Scammer n eben geschrieben, dass er (sie) mich langweilen.
Bin mal gespannt, was passiert.
Kurz zum #Scammer der mir im Vogelbaum folgt:
Vorgestern hatte ich ihm geschrieben, dass mein (nicht existierender) Ehemann von seiner Dienstreise zurück kommt.
Dann versteht es ja wohl, dass ich heute nicht auf deren DMs antworte. Odda
Ernsthaft: ich möchte diese Vögel hopp nehmen. Denn sie zu blocken, bringt absolut nix. Dann machen sie bei anderen Frauen weiter. Deshalb suche ich dringend jemanden, der mir mit digitalen Tricks beiseite steht.
#Scam #Internetbetrug
#scammer #scam #internetbetrug
So last night on some social platform I've been a member of for over one year, I got an unsolicited friend request out of the blue.
What to do?
I decided to sleep on it. At first, I was thinking of talking to the user, but I had seen their activity. They had joined the site a few days earlier, and frankly it looked like they were spamming friend requests. I mean, they even managed to befriend a known catfish. That shows some great judgment right there.
(By "known" I mean known to me. The guy has a picture of some highly expensive sports car in his pics, and you can easily find it online, plastered all over the net. I reported him to the platform a few days ago. That guy likes to pass as a multimillionaire.)
They also had no pictures, no bio, etc. They could have moreover been in on the catfish scam.
So I clicked ignore on the friend request. They are still free to talk, but I don't want to open a communication with them, if they seem to pick their friends from the bargain bin.
#friendrequest #catfish #scammer #spammer
Pro-tip on the dating apps. If you see something like:
I am a respectful woman, affectionate, gentle, caring, sweet, loving, kind, classy, perseverant and romantic.
That's the sign that you are dealing with a scammer. For one thing, this is generic bullshit.
"I have all the good qualities, and none of the bad. Teehee!"
I had not one but *two* of these with that text in their profile, and you know what? I recognize that text because I've seen it before. I even used it in this shortcast (skip if you don't like sex talk):
#dating #datingprofile #scammer
Every year same time. Same BS NONSENSE WHAT A #corrupt #scammer that’s when he’ll claim he gave #citizenship to the FEW ONLY 120 out 200 HAND PICKED #BlackAmericans in #Ghana who paid a LOT OF MONEY while he denied thousands #YearOfReturn #Scam #blackmastodon #AfricanAmerican I don’t call myself that I’m Black and #American #biden #reparations
#corrupt #scammer #citizenship #blackamericans #Ghana #yearofreturn #scam #blackmastodon #africanamerican #american #biden #reparations
Why? I thought he was rich? Why should anybody else pay his bills?
Kommen bei #Kleinanzeigen eigentlich noch Käufe zustande, oder sind da nur noch #scammer* unterwegs?
Do I know any #OSINT folks?
My parents got #scammed yesterday night by a WhatsApp ("this is your child. I have a new phone and need money") scammer. They were able to get their money back trough the bank so all is fine. I still want to wreak havoc in their scamming infrastructure and all I have is the number of the phone the #scammer uses.
Any ideas are welcome :)
I took that text and Googled for it, and I landed with the exact same text here:
At last, Quora proves itself useful. I reported her as a scammer.
What bloody idiot answers my question by plopping the first thing they find off of Google????
#dating #cockroach #scammer #BDSM #Quora #idiot
#dating #cockroach #scammer #bdsm #quora #idiot