The #defcon Show Special for #RFBitBanger, an #opensource #HF #QRP kit featuring the #scamp #digital mode and a class E amplifier design, has Sold Out.
Next stop is #qsotoday Academy on 9-10 September with a talk by team lead Dr. Daniel Marks. Event registration here
Thank you to everyone supporting work like this at the non-profit ORI @OpenResearchIns
#QSOToday #digital #scamp #qrp #hf #opensource #rfbitbanger #defcon
Off-Grid Radio Also Repairable Off-Grid - Low-power radios, often referred to in the amateur radio community as QRP radios, ... - #partsdrawer #throughhole #radiohacks #atmega328p #lowpower #amateur #arduino #radio #scamp #ham #qrp
#qrp #ham #scamp #radio #arduino #amateur #lowpower #atmega328p #radiohacks #throughhole #partsdrawer
Show special for #rfbitbanger kit continues today.
Live demos all day today in RF Village at #defcon.
#SCAMP protocol getting a lot of interest and positive feedback!
Thank you to those that support this work.
Find out lots more at
Pictured the scamp2 a PIC microcontroller running FlashForth and an OLED display I’m going to hook up to it. It’s the first time I’ve received a single part in it’s own hard plastic case.
The Udamonic website has some good documentation about the scamp2 but I’m wondering if there is any interest in a series of videos about me learning and using this thing.
What me? No, I didn’t demand to go outside at 3am. That was a different little dog entirely. Honest. #photography #DogsOfMastodon #scamp
#photography #dogsofmastodon #scamp
#Scamp has been snoozing draped across my chest, with her head over the crook of my elbow. Getting a selfie in disturbed her a little.
I think I might have a flower spike emerging…there’s a little rounded shape. I have tiny green leaves too, that don’t show in the photo. This is a stick-mounted Oncidium (Tolumnia) urophyllum that I’ve owned since last July.
The second photo, showing most of the plant, is being photo bombed by #Scamp.
#orchid #Oncidium #stick_mounted #cat
#scamp #orchid #oncidium #stick_mounted #cat
The stages of a good cuddle.
Stage 1: Lying across my arm wondering why I’m holding the phone instead of petting her. Considering resistance.
Stage 2: Lying across my arm upside down. She likes to have her chest rubbed, with my whole forearm lying asking her body and my fingers skritching. Just a momentary pause for her selfie.
Stage 3: Abandoned bliss. Both paws kneading the air and her body slumping sideways.
#Caturday #catcuddle #Scamp
I caught my Scamp LICKING a leaf of the tiny bok choy this morning. I said no and she backed off. I don’t know if she would have nibbled it next, but since she gave it more than one much, she probably liked the taste. Here she is upstaging the bok choy while I take a photo.
#Caturday (a day late, as usual.
Plant is Tiny Hedou Bok Choy from Baker Creek Seeds. It matures with very small heads, which I think are beginning to form.
#Caturday #caturdayeveryday #scamp
@vatolin @nextcloud @Stuxhost Grundsätzlich aber ist es leider wahr, dass wir hier das Typische #Döner & #Scamp - Problem haben:
Die allermeisten #ValueRemoving - #Durchlauferhitzer verkaufen diese #Govware und sind damit illegal agierend...
Würde es ja gern selber besser machen habe aber nicht das Startkapital um zu gründen und nen #Abmahnwelle loszutreten!
#abmahnwelle #govware #Durchlauferhitzer #valueremoving #scamp #Doner
A spot of #Forth ing to come over the next little while. A nice little trinket from my son for Chrissy along with some dark choc ginger. From just in the next suburb to me. #SCAMP #PIC24
Any #electronicmusic folks out there using #SCAMP? I stumbled into it with that Primes Rhythm video and its just-posted Making Of episode. I'd been happily beeping along fine with oldschool #csound until last spring when #supercollider #sclang caught my attention, and now, thanks to Google Discover, up pops this:
#electronicmusic #scamp #csound #supercollider #sclang
#Music #MusicTheory #Prime #PrimeNumbers #Math #Maths #Mathematics #Python #SCAMP #Programming
#programming #scamp #python #mathematics #maths #math #primenumbers #prime #musictheory #music #primes #rhythm
📬 Believable statistics? The powerpc discussion continued
#English #JurassicPack #Amiga #Breakpoint #PowerPC #ppc #Scamp
#scamp #ppc #powerpc #breakpoint #amiga #JurassicPack #english