#photography #weather #scarborough #yorkshire Just a quick video clip of a very atmospheric and quite ghostly scene!
#yorkshire #scarborough #weather #photography
#Scarborough Southwest city council candidate Kevin Rupasinghe has put together a petition for a dedicated Scarborough busway to be funded immediately given that the SRT is being shutdown and it will be ten years until there is a replacement. Scarborough has been grossly under serviced with transit for years.
The 30 Best Hikes & Walking Trails In Perth https://soperth.com.au/travel-wa/perth/the-30-best-hikes-walking-trails-in-perth-70631 #JohnForrestNationalPark #RottnestIsland #Churchlands #Scarborough #PerthHills #SwanValley #CityBeach #Kalamunda #KingsPark #TravelWA #Burswood #Crawley #Warnbro #Wembley #hiking #Perth
#johnforrestnationalpark #rottnestisland #churchlands #scarborough #perthhills #swanvalley #citybeach #kalamunda #kingspark #travelwa #burswood #crawley #warnbro #wembley #hiking #perth
The one positive thing about the earlier than expected RT closure in Scarborough (due to the recent derailment) is that it has solidified the support for the dedicated busway option.
"The sooner we can have transit priority and a dedicated busway in place, the better it will be," said Mayor Chow.
#TTC #scarborough #busway #rt #toronto #srt #oliviachow
I regularly ride west to #Mississauga and east through #Scarborough and constantly have to make dangerous jogs down city streets drivers treat like highways. Here's to hoping the new mayor stitches the system together, encouraging more people to ride (I'm sure drivers would be happy with fewer cars on our perpetually clogged roads). Toronto, especially outside of downtown has so much space that, with a little vision, it could become an urban cycling hub. #BikeTooter #topoli
#topoli #biketooter #scarborough #mississauga
I spent a few minutes today wandering around the campus #farm at the University of #Toronto #Scarborough. It's a wonderful place dedicated to teaching and research. #BloomScrolling #gardening #permaculture #AcademicChatter
#academicchatter #permaculture #gardening #bloomscrolling #scarborough #toronto #farm
Ikea is opening a new store near me here in Scarborough. Scarborough is the most diverse part of Toronto. If you know Toronto, that's saying something. Personally, I love it and wouldn't live anywhere else in the city. So, what does it mean when Ikea says "Our newest small store is not like any IKEA store you have seen. Designed specifically for residents in the east end of Toronto, this location is completely unique."? We'll see, I guess.
@CraigSaunders With Crawford not making it to Dougie's back bench to be a seat warmer and his last ditch resignation from #Toronto City council to collect his fat severance payout, a by-election will be held in his old #Scarborough Southwest city council ward. Kevin Rupasinghe has already announced and as an ally of new mayor Olivia Chow this will be a great opportunity for some more change for the better in this town.
#Scarborough Southwest #Toronto City Councillor Gary Crawford today officially resigned from city council. Previous left city council candidate Kevin Rupasinghe has declared he is running. In the coming months there will be a city council by-election. Let's get behind Kevin and work to continue the change at City Hall we began a few weeks ago.
@c_9 photos from people inside #Scarborough #srt #ttc #transit #publictransit
#scarborough #srt #ttc #transit #publictransit
Today's Thing of Beauty: #Scarborough #Ontario #Canada #toronto #RosettaMcClain #Gardens #flowers #arbor overlooking #LakeOntario #GreatLakes with #clouds #photography Photo by me
#Photography #clouds #greatlakes #lakeontario #Arbor #Flowers #gardens #rosettamcclain #toronto #Canada #ontario #scarborough
#Toronto Labour Canvass for Thadsha Navaneethan #Scarborough Guildwood #Ontario provincial by-election - Saturday, July 22nd at 9:30 AM, 3178 Lawrence Avenue East (at Markham Road).
#ontario #scarborough #toronto
Hey #Toronto Mastodon folks. Did you enjoy kicking #DougFord 's ass on June 26th? Want to kick it again? Here's the next best shot in the provincial by-election in #Scarborough Guildwood. You can elect Thadsha Navaneethan to the #Ontario legislature on July 27th. She's going to need all the volunteers she can get.
#ontario #scarborough #dougford #toronto
#scarborough #northyorkshire #uk #photography Sometimes the skies here have to be seen to be believed. This iPhone panorama was taken after a storm a while ago…
#photography #uk #northyorkshire #scarborough
#scarborough #northyorkshire Every day the sky over Scarborough Castle seems to look even more amazing.
Another from last week in Scarborough. This is a flower bed in South Cliff Gardens, windy pathways that take you from the esplanade to the beach. I’m so impressed by the thoughtful planting here. Not only did it look beautiful, it was covered in bees and pollinators. Well done to those in charge of it! #scarborough #pollinators #flowers #wildlife #nature #NaturePhotography
#naturephotography #nature #wildlife #flowers #pollinators #scarborough
Just spent some time in Scarborough. It’s where I go when I need to recharge my batteries, when life has become a little too much - and I just sit and stare at the sea. It really has a healing factor, and the Yorkshire coast really is beautiful. #coast #scarborough #sea #nature #mentalhealth
#mentalhealth #nature #sea #scarborough #coast
@scruss OPSEU staffer Thadsha Navaneetha is the #ONDP candidate in #Scarborough Guildwood.
Toronto police seek public's help finding missing 4-year-old girl
Please boost.
#Ontario #Toronto #Scarborough #missing
#ontario #toronto #scarborough #missing
Grassroots memorial to #GordonLightfoot, parking lot at Victoria Park and Gerrard, extreme western #Scarborough, #Toronto.
#toronto #scarborough #gordonlightfoot