Grenzgänger aus Neapel - Scarlattis Sonate K 380
Domenico #Scarlatti schrieb schon als 17jähriger seine erste #Oper. Seine eigentliche Leistung aber sind seine Sonaten für #Cembalo: Luftige, tänzerische Juwelen des Barock wie die #Sonate K 380, in der Scarlatti spanische Volksmusik verarbeitet und mit kühnen Harmonien experimentiert.
#scarlatti #oper #Cembalo #Sonate
🎼 Open Scores for Piano v.38
After a while here's a new release of my open scores coded with #LilyPond.
What's new:
- Arnold #Schoenberg: Sechs kleine Klavierstücke op.19 - Preface by #GiancarloSimonacci translated into English (reviews are welcome!)
- Domenico #Scarlatti: Sonata K.141
- Francis #Poulenc: Deux Improvisations FP.113
- Ludwig van #Beethoven: Klaviersonate Nr.8 c-moll Opus 13 "Grande Sonate Pathétique"
#beethoven #poulenc #scarlatti #giancarlosimonacci #schoenberg #lilypond
Alessandro Scarlatti was born #OTD in 1660
Filippo Mineccia sings Dormi, o fulmine di guerra from La Giuditta with the Ensemble Matheús and Jean-Christophe Spinosi
It's one of the most beautiful things you will ever hear
Right now, Hewitt plays #Scarlatti #Bach #Brahms and #Schumann in #Seattle #wch
#scarlatti #bach #brahms #schumann #Seattle #wch
In 25 minutes, Hewitt plays #Scarlatti #Bach #Brahms and #Schumann in #Seattle #wch
#scarlatti #bach #brahms #schumann #Seattle #wch
Today, Hewitt plays #Scarlatti #Bach #Brahms and #Schumann in #Seattle #wch
#scarlatti #bach #brahms #schumann #Seattle #wch
WAHAAAAAY!!!! Thank you Hot Donkey for this Tomita/Carlos-tastic treatment of my fav Scarlatti sonata! #synthesizer #scarlatti #analogsynth #deepmind #neutron #moog #hydrasynth #classicalmusic #modal #cobalt #cobalt8
#Cobalt8 #cobalt #modal #classicalmusic #hydrasynth #moog #neutron #deepmind #analogsynth #scarlatti #synthesizer
RT @carolinefrmus
Amateur pianist corner: #Scarlatti Sonata K27 in B minor. Fun hand crossing, and that shift from the lengthy A/G clash (end p. 1) to octave A (top p. 2) is simply 😘chef's kiss😘
Right now, Esfahani, van der Bercken, Son and friends play #Bach #Shostakovich #Scarlatti #Kapustin and more in #Nijmegen #wch
#bach #shostakovich #scarlatti #kapustin #nijmegen #wch
In 20 minutes, Esfahani, van der Bercken, Son and friends play #Bach #Shostakovich #Scarlatti #Kapustin and more in #Nijmegen #wch
#bach #shostakovich #scarlatti #kapustin #nijmegen #wch
Today, Esfahani, van der Bercken, Son and friends play #Bach #Shostakovich #Scarlatti #Kapustin and more in #Nijmegen #wch
#bach #shostakovich #scarlatti #kapustin #nijmegen #wch
On the way to work I listen to #classical radio. Occasionally, in the half-hour it takes me to drive in, I hear a gem -- and this is one of them.
Philippe Jaroussky (& Ataserse) singing Antonio #Scarlatti's lullaby, "Dormi, o fulmine do guerra" ("Sleep, o thunderbolt of war"), from his oratorio "La Giuditta" (1693, 1697).
In the story, the Assyrian general Holophernes is besieging the Israelite city of Bethulia. Judith, a Jewish woman, ingratiates herself with him, gains his trust, gets him drunk and then decapitates him while he's asleep, scattering the Assyrian army and saving Bethulia.
"Dormi" is sung to Holophernes by his nurse to lull him to sleep, before Judith strikes.
Hashtag list:
#music #ClassicalMusic #opera #baroque
#classical #scarlatti #music #classicalmusic #opera #baroque
On the way to work I listen to #classical radio. Occasionally, in the half-hour it takes me to drive in, I hear a gem -- and this is one of them.
Philippe Jaroussky (& Ataserse) singing Antonio #Scarlatti's lullaby, "Dormi, o fulmine do guerra" ("Sleep, o thunderbolt of war"), from his oratorio "La Giuditta" (1693, 1697).
In the story, the Assyrian general Holophernes is besieging the Israelite city of Bethulia. Judith, a Jewish woman, ingratiates herself with him, gains his trust, gets him drunk and then decapitates him while he's asleep, scattering the Assyrian army and saving Bethulia.
"Dormi" is sung to Holophernes by his nurse to lull him to sleep, before Judith strikes.
(There's also a similar version sung by Filippo Mineccia, in a slightly higher key, here: )
Hashtag list:
#music #ClassicalMusic #opera #baroque
#classical #scarlatti #music #classicalmusic #opera #baroque
Right now, De Sá, Oberlinger and the Ensemble 1700 perform #Scarlatti #Händel #Marcello #Bononcini et al in #Cologne #wch
#scarlatti #Handel #marcello #bononcini #cologne #wch
In 15 minutes, De Sá, Oberlinger and the Ensemble 1700 perform #Scarlatti #Händel #Marcello #Bononcini et al in #Cologne #wch
#scarlatti #Handel #marcello #bononcini #cologne #wch
Today, De Sá, Oberlinger and the Ensemble 1700 perform #Scarlatti #Händel #Marcello #Bononcini et al in #Cologne #wch
#scarlatti #Handel #marcello #bononcini #cologne #wch
Right now, Ovcharenko plays #Scarlatti #Revutsky #Gluck and #Liszt in #Viseu #wch
#scarlatti #revutsky #gluck #liszt #viseu #wch
In 25 minutes, Ovcharenko plays #Scarlatti #Revutsky #Gluck and #Liszt in #Viseu #wch
#scarlatti #revutsky #gluck #liszt #viseu #wch
Today, Ovcharenko plays #Scarlatti #Revutsky #Gluck and #Liszt in #Viseu #wch
#scarlatti #revutsky #gluck #liszt #viseu #wch
Right now, Wang plays #Scarlatti #Beethoven #Stravinsky #Schubert and #Liszt in #Beacon #wch
#scarlatti #Beethoven #stravinsky #schubert #liszt #Beacon #wch