The Streets of Melbourne · @NessaUndreza
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More busy collecting nectar on these beautiful and in .

Bees are so industrious and gentle creatures.


There are over 1500 different species of native bees

Some bees are as tiny as 2mm with the largest being around 24mm.

It is thought that a honeybee produces just one half of a teaspoon of honey throughout its entire working life.

In just a single day a queen bee can lay 3000 eggs.

There are on average around 55,000 worker bees in a bee colony.

A honey bee’s wings flap 11,400 times a minute, which creates the bee buzz.

A queen bee lives for up to two years.

A worker bee lives around 45 days during summer, and less in winter.

All worker bees are females, the only male bees are the drones.


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Last updated 1 year ago