::: Scarlett Gately Moore - a long time contributor to open source is looking for a job :linux:
She writes:
"As many of you know, I am seeking employment. I am a hard worker, that thrives on learning new things.
I am a self starter, knowledge sponge, and eager to be an asset to < insert your company here > !"
Are you possibly in an IT position in need and could hire her? Please, at least BOOST & relay this message forward 🙏
#KDE #jobs #IT #developer #seeking #employment #Ruby #Python #Snap #Linux #Debian #MyCroft #Plasma #jobs #ScarlettGatelyMoore #OpenSource #work
#work #opensource #scarlettgatelymoore #plasma #mycroft #debian #linux #snap #python #ruby #employment #seeking #developer #it #jobs #kde
::: Scarlett Gately Moore - a long time contributor to open source is looking for a job :linux:
He writes:
"As many of you know, I am seeking employment. I am a hard worker, that thrives on learning new things.
I am a self starter, knowledge sponge, and eager to be an asset to < insert your company here > !"
Are you possibly in an IT position in need and could hire him? Please, at least BOOST & relay this message forward 🙏
#KDE #jobs #IT #developer #seeking #employment #Ruby #Python #Snap #Linux #Debian #MyCroft #Plasma #jobs #ScarlettGatelyMoore #OpenSource #work
#work #opensource #scarlettgatelymoore #plasma #mycroft #debian #linux #snap #python #ruby #employment #seeking #developer #it #jobs #kde
::: Scarlett Gately Moore - a long time contributor to open source is looking for a job :linux:
He writes:
"As many of you know, I am seeking employment. I am a hard worker, that thrives on learning new things.
I am a self starter, knowledge sponge, and eager to be an asset to < insert your company here > !"
Are you possibly in an IT position in need and could hire him? Please, at least BOOST & relay this message forward 🙏
#KDE #jobs #IT #developer #seeking #employment #Ruby #Python #Snap #Linux #Debian #MyCroft #Plasma #jobs #ScarlettGatelyMoore
#scarlettgatelymoore #plasma #mycroft #debian #linux #snap #python #ruby #employment #seeking #developer #it #jobs #kde