Maccabi · @MechEngr
185 followers · 64 posts · Server

Today's Science Fact:

Honey bees(Apis mellifluous), they are an intricate part of everyone's daily life.

Bees make honey true, but the biggest contribution is that they are pollinators.

In North America, the European honey bee is integral to agriculture, doing its part in the sex life of trees and other flora. Moving pollen from the male antor to the female stigma.

(aka, using its hairy body to transport pollen from different plants)

This accounts for 15 billion dollars worth of annual yield in the USA alone!

The honey bee was an invasive insect in North America. But, now it's under threat from pesticides, infections, and giant hornets! Destroying entire colonies.

With science, one of the killers will be stopped, with a vaccine to inauculate the colony from bacteria, Paenibacillus larvae. Introducing it to the Queen, which will pass it on to all new larve

But do your part and spray less pesticides!

#bees #sceincefacts #vegatables #globe #farming #agriculture #entomology

Last updated 2 years ago