But hey, these #Seasteading #fans ain't afraid of #BRINK-#Scenario, far from it...
They actually want that shit to happen in #RealLife!
#fans #seasteading #reallife #scenario #brink
In the mid-2000s I created a newspaper comic strip series about a sheep and a mole.
The main characters were produced as limited-edition vinyl toys and USB lamps by Crazy Label in Hong Kong, and sold in designer toy stores around the world.
Most of the comic episodes can be found here:
#toy #toys #comic #comics #sheep #SheepOfMastodon #ComicArt #DigitalArt #writing #scenario #gag #cartoon #mole #3d #3dArt #gags #webcomic #comicartist #CharacterDesign
#toy #toys #comic #comics #sheep #SheepOfMastodon #comicart #DigitalArt #writing #scenario #gag #cartoon #mole #3d #3dart #gags #webcomic #comicartist #CharacterDesign
I've finally joined the cool kids and put something up on Itic! It's a scenario for #TenraBanshoZero , using the variant "Ruined Empire" setting.
You can do it was a one-off adventure, or the basis for a longer multi-session campaign.
#TenraBanshoZero #ttrpg #tenra #scenario #adventure #campaign
One of the biggest barriers to #futuresthinking for small and mid-sized organsiations are resources required. It takes time and money to gather the right team.
To help these organisations apply more futures thinking to their strategies and plans, we've built a #GPT4 powered #Scenario #Generator. This free tool will generate 2 different styles of #scenarios based on your industry and location.
Check it out: https://www.mountainmoving.co/resources/the-tomorrow-machine-generate
#futuresthinking #gpt4 #scenario #generator #scenarios
‘Worst-case scenario’ with Wyndham Clark and his caddie https://www.fogolf.com/547199/worst-case-scenario-with-wyndham-clark-and-his-caddie/
#‘worst-case #Caddie #clark #Golf #pga #PGAOfficialWorldGolfRanking #PGARanking #pgatour #pgatour2022 #PGAtourgolf #scenario #Tour #wyndham #WyndhamClark
#caddie #clark #golf #pga #pgaofficialworldgolfranking #pgaranking #pgatour #pgatour2022 #pgatourgolf #scenario #tour #wyndham #wyndhamclark
Our project Biosphere Futures
is an open online database of #socialEcologicalScenarios cases from around the world
the database has over 100 cases that have been contributed scenario practitioners from around the world
A preprint describing the data base is here:
we would love more scenarios, using more methods, from more places
Please contribute your work to connect to a community of #scenario practitioners.
#scenario #socialEcologicalScenarios
Sommigen van ons, schijnbaar vooral #autisten, denken in scenario's. In veel gevallen is het niet nodig om in #scenario's te denken.
Alleen in speciale gevallen is dat heel handig.
Wanneer je weet wat het #ergste scenario is, kun je vaak #makkelijker berusten in de #uitkomst van zo'n scenario.
Tenslotte is het belangrijk hoeveel invloed je hebt op die uitkomst, zodat je het #los kunt laten #letitgo wanneer blijkt dat je weinig kunt doen.
Dit geldt niet voor #klimaatverandering.
#klimaatverandering #letitgo #los #uitkomst #makkelijker #ergste #scenario #autisten
Le scénario du film n'est pas encore en ligne mais en consultant ceux des précédents je vois que Wes Anderson met lui-même ces parenthèses dans les dialogues.
Ce qui est rare il me semble, comme c'est rare dans la vie de parler comme ça (le côté stylisé de ses films, là encore).
#wesanderson #scénario
I think I've had a breakthrough of how to structure and present the notes for my #Everway heist game: using the Revels as described in Brighter Stars! Ity should keep the information flowing while still allowing flexibility in how the players deal with things.
(That's a Star Trek based "Spotlight" setting instance for #CortexPrime by @Filamena )
#Everway #cortexprime #cortex #ttrpg #scenario
Gisteren schreef ik bijgaande #toot over #conspiracy tussen #putin en #prigozhin (de #Wagner commandant). Waarom zou dit #scenario gek zijn?
Op 6 januari 2021 'bestelde' de zittende president #trump de #riots op #CapitalHill in Washington DC omdat hij zei dat hij de verkiezingen onterecht verloren had. Mensen geloofden dat.
Nu besteld #putin een #riot bij #prigozhin, omdat hij ziet dat Russen het geloof in...(2)
#riot #capitalhill #riots #trump #scenario #wagner #prigozhin #putin #conspiracy #toot #prettigestoordnl
Merkwaardig #historisch #scenario tussen #putin en #prigozhin tot vandaag. Daar zal ongetwijfeld een film over worden gemaakt. Over #conspiracy dus.
Wat als #putin dit besteld heeft bij zijn #huurling en #kelner #prigozhin om de Russische minister van Defensie #Sjojgoe en zijn vazal #gerasimov te kunnen ontslaan vanwege wanprestatie?
Wat als straks blijkt dat #prigozhin de leiding krijgt over alle #russisische troepen in #oekraïne om te redden wat er te redden valt?
#oekraine #russisische #gerasimov #sjojgoe #kelner #huurling #conspiracy #prigozhin #putin #scenario #historisch #PrettiggestoordNL
Une annonce qui peut intéresser les #scénaristes (cf. Image)
#annoncecine #scenario #scenaristes
❗ Avis aux scénaristes!
Hier sur le tchat de #ParlonsDÉcriture, l'un de nos viewers préférés nous a transféré une annonce de travail:
"Bonjour, nous recherchons un jeune scénariste pour une collaboration sur le long terme. Veuillez envoyer vos candidature et votre motivation (par écrit ou vidéo) sur : septieme.zn@gmail.com Caleb CHARLES"
#offredemploi #cinema #scenario #twitch #parlonsdecriture
Get #TheRight #WorkDone at the right time: Task automation for your frontline with #MicrosoftTeams
Across frontline industries, our conversations with customers about task management lead back to one foundational goal: To provide a single place to see all required work and monitor how it's going. With these new capabi [...]
https://bit.ly/3q9TpsM #task #business #scenario #application #created
Source: Microsoft Tech Community Teams Blog
#theright #workdone #microsoftteams #task #business #scenario #application #created
RT @DianaUrge
Excellent @IPCC_CH workshop finished on #scenario s. Among many important developments a strong conclusion was that non-modelled scenario approaches can well complement quantified ones https://twitter.com/IPCC_CH/status/1650605536453206134
#Kaamelott2 : Alors Alexandre ASTIER qui utiliserait un assistant personnel écrit en #Python pour l'aider dans l'écriture de son #scénario, je serais très curieux d'en voir le fonctionnement !? 🤓 https://www.presse-citron.net/kaamelott-2-la-methode-dingue-dalexandre-astier-pour-ecrire-le-scenario-du-prochain-volet/
Interesting webinar hosted by #tdAcademy: Dr. María D. López Rodríguez and Dr. Amanda Jiménez Aceituno will share their experience combining conventional research approaches to #knowledge #co-creation & #scenario-building with #art-based methods #transdidsciplinary research - more info & register here: https://td-academy.org/events/insights-from-drylands-research-in-spain-coupling-knowledge-co-creation-tools-with-arts-based-methods-for-engaging-actors-in-sustainability-transformations/
#transdidsciplinary #art #scenario #co #knowledge #tdacademy
Stream Kentucky Screamo Band Scenario’s Incendiary Debut Album When All Is Said And Done #2023_04_24 #stereogum #new_music #danielle_elise_bartley #scenario
>> https://www.stereogum.com/2221490/scenario-when-all-is-said-and-done/music/
#2023_04_24 #stereogum #new_music #danielle_elise_bartley #scenario
Ohio screamo band Scenario prep debut LP 'When All is Said and Done' (watch a video) #2023_04_13 #brooklynvegan #andrew_sacher #heavy_metal_news #music_news #scenario
#2023_04_13 #brooklynvegan #andrew_sacher #heavy_metal_news #music_news #scenario
new AI to pixel art experiments :)
#mastoart #mastodonart #aiart #AiArtCommunity #AIArtwork #stablediffusion #scenario
#mastoart #mastodonart #aiart #aiartcommunity #aiartwork #stablediffusion #scenario