@arrbeejay Scene on Radio HAS landed at another organization at Duke! Let me go look.
Okay, here it is. @jbiewen joins Kenan institute for Ethics and there'll be more #SceneOnRadio to come.
#SceneOnRadio, einer der besten Podcasts, die ich kenne, hat nach Einstellung des bisherigen Supports ein neues Zuhause gefunden und eine Miniserie sowie eine neue Staffel angekündigt. Yay!
Wers noch nicht kennt: Wirklich mega mega guter (englischsprachiger) #Podcast. Die Staffeln über Patriarchat ("Men"), Rassismus ("Seeing White") und Demokratie in den USA ("The land the never has been yet") sind alle extrem empfehlenswert. Sie haben auch Transkripte aller Folgen.
I saw a Mar 6 post on other social media from #SceneOnRadio podcast host, John Biewen, saying that #DukeU’s #CenterForDocumentaryStudies is being reorganized, and as a result, he’s been let go.
A few years ago, I stumbled upon Scene On Radio podcasts season, #SeeingWhite. Early episodes (esp Ep3, “Made In America” on how “whiteness” was created) were eye opening and permanently changed my perspective.
Wishing John Biewen well & hope that he + others laid off end up in better places.
#sceneonradio #dukeu #centerfordocumentarystudies #seeingwhite
Scene on Radio is a great #podcast recommendation I got by way of someone on here. I am captivated by the 4th season (I’m listening to the seasons out of order). #sceneonradio
#kincentric #ecology
[...]kincentricity and kincentric ecology (Enrique Salmon, 2000). Both are explanatory models of how American Indian cultures feel a sense of direct relationship and responsibility toward their surroundings. Traditional American Indians understand that they are directly related to everyone and everything in their natural surroundings. Everything in one’s environment is animated with a life force. How then does one teach kincentric ecology in an urban environment?
Coined in #sceneonradio #podcast season5 episode 2
quote from http://www.susted.com/wordpress/content/teaching-kincentric-ecology-in-an-urban-environment_2015_11/
#podcast #sceneonradio #ecology #kincentric