Schelling - O Sabá sagrado da Natureza (1806)
#schelling #naturphilosophie @PhilosophicalPsychology @philosophy @philosophyofpsychiatry @psychology @psyc
Excerto de uma introdução às idéias de absoluto, idéia e conceito em #Schelling, por Robert Richards #Naturphilosophie
“Kant is a legislator, Fichte a judge, Schelling a seer. But Hegel has only one desire, that of appropriation. He returns constantly to the mysteries of eating.”
— Hans Urs von Balthasar, Prometheus: Studien zur Geschichte des Deutschen Idealismus
This might be my favorite bit of commentary on German philosophy. It's just funny. Will somebody feed these German philosophers?
#GermanPhilosophy #GermanIdealism #Hegel #Kant #Fichte #Schelling #Philosophy
#germanphilosophy #germanidealism #hegel #Kant #fichte #schelling #philosophy
Hot Take: Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph #Schelling was correct
The metaphysical forces that underly and underwrite human existence are both rational and irrational.
Any ontology that seeks to manage this dualism, must dialectically resolve/uplift/overcome it.
My goal is of course to provide such a Gestalt/Golden Mean.
#germanphilosophytribute #schelling #zdzislawbeksinski
Offenbar #Ermittlungen gegen #Schelling
Gesendet von #wksta
#ermittlungen #schelling #WKStA
Philoso. Audiothek der Universität Wien
#Vorlesung Arno Böhler
180108 VO-L Philosophy-Physics / Vibrating Matter / New Materialism (2021)
#NeuerMaterialismus #SpekulativerRealismus #KarenBarad #JaneBennett #Spinoza #Schelling #Naturphilosophie #Tantra #Philosophie #Univie #UniversitätWien
#vorlesung #neuermaterialismus #spekulativerrealismus #KarenBarad #janebennett #spinoza #schelling #Naturphilosophie #tantra #philosophie #univie #universitatwien
Lesetip 📖 "fabelhafte Rebellen"
Ein tolles lesens- oder hörenswertes Werk über unwahrscheinliches Zusammentreffen von Geistesgrößen wie #Schiller #Goethe #Schelling #Novalis #hegel von 1792-1806 in #Jena
#jena #hegel #novalis #schelling #goethe #schiller
Frederick Beiser: Hegel & Schelling want to show that vitalism is a verifiable theory
"Vitalism" means: nature has will & purpose
Kant had rejected the teleology of vitalism as unverifiable: you can't know the minds & inner purposes of minerals, vegetables, & animals
Why vitalism? Because the mechanistic understanding of nature had led philosophy into an impasse: either minds are mechanistic & not free, or there is dualism & mind is something supernatural
#philosophy #kant #hegel #schelling
Goal for today: try to make sense of some Schelling
#philosophy #reading #schelling
Kierkegaard on Schelling on "actuality":
A concept tells us what something is, while knowing something means to know *that* that thing is
You can have a concept without knowledge, a concept of something that does not exist
but you can't know anything if you don't have a concept of it.
For example, when I see a particular plant, I apply the universal concept "plant" to what I see
(I'm reading Kierkagaard's "Notes of Schelling's Berlin Lectures")
#philosophy #kierkegaard #schelling
Digging into Mary Warnock’s book, Imagination, today. @academicchatter @academicsunite @philosophy
Intro to Warnock:,_Baroness_Warnock
#cesttheo #marywarnock #imagination #perception #imaginationandthementalimage #schelling #hume #kant #mentalimage #visualrhetoic #phenomenology #sartre #betterexplanations #philosophyofmind
#philosophyofmind #betterexplanations #sartre #phenomenology #visualrhetoic #mentalimage #kant #hume #schelling #imaginationandthementalimage #perception #imagination #marywarnock #cesttheo
#Cartesianismus war #Ausweg aus #Verwechslung #Gegenstand mit #Vorstellung, wodurch #Gegenstand #doppelt in #Erscheinung tritt: #immanent und #transzendent.
Bei #Descartes #Subjekt #Objekt #Dualismus noch in #dritte(r) #Beobachterposition #Gott #reflektiert, die nachfolgend als #transzendental(er) #Vermeidungsirrtum (#Kant, #Fichte, #Hegel, #Schelling) #Erkenntnis behindert, dass #Reflexion keine #Eigenleistung des #Bewusstsein ist.
#GotthardGünther #Grundriß #Idee #aristotelisch #Logik S.48f
#cartesianismus #ausweg #verwechslung #gegenstand #vorstellung #doppelt #erscheinung #immanent #transzendent #descartes #subjekt #objekt #dualismus #dritte #beobachterposition #gott #reflektiert #transzendental #vermeidungsirrtum #kant #fichte #hegel #schelling #erkenntnis #reflexion #eigenleistung #bewusstsein #gotthardgünther #grundriß #idee #aristotelisch #logik