The above paper is essential a sequal to this one, presented yesterday.
Modelling research output expressions : metadata #schema modelling of publication lifecycles and scholarly entities #discovery #PIDs #PersistentIdentifiers #repositories #DigitalLibraries #OpenResearch/strath.00085166
#schema #discovery #pids #persistentidentifiers #repositories #digitallibraries #openresearch
Heading to the 'Re-Discovery': Metadata & #Discovery Group Conference in Birmingham next week. Looking forward to Brum! Presenting two papers:
Modelling research output expressions : #metadata #schema modelling of publication lifecycles and #scholarly entities
Authority of assertion in #repository contributions to the #PID graph
I'll throw the slides up at these locations too, once I have actually created them. 😀 #PIDs #PersistentIdentifiers
#discovery #metadata #schema #scholarly #repository #pid #pids #persistentidentifiers
I'm considering adding models for storing street addresses, and I'm curious what the most efficient way to store them is? Should there be separate City, State, Country models, or just one StreetAddress model with city, state, country columns that repeat? I'd like to balance both query performance and storage space efficiency if possible.
#activerecord #normalization #schema #database
#activerecord #normalization #schema #database
Releasing Icinga DB 1.1.1 #icingadbmigrate #migration #IcingaDB #Releases #icingadb #bugfix #schema
#icingadbmigrate #migration #IcingaDB #releases #bugfix #schema
New CUE beta just dropped! .. and I managed to sneak an utterly trivial commit into it!! #CUE #cuelang #data #structureddata #JSON #YaML #schema #schemas #schemata #policy
#cue #cuelang #data #structureddata #json #yaml #schema #schemas #Schemata #policy
#Python #Typing #Pydantic version 2.0 (2023-06-30)
"Pydantic is the most widely used #data #validation library for #Python."
# Why use Pydantic ?
Powered by type hints — with Pydantic, schema validation and serialization are controlled by type annotations; less to learn, less code to write and integration with your IDE and static analysis tools.
Speed — Pydantic's core validation logic is written in Rust, as a result Pydantic is among the fastest data validation libraries for Python.
JSON Schema — Pydantic models can emit JSON Schema allowing for easy integration with other tools.
Strict and Lax mode — Pydantic can run in either strict=True mode (where data is not converted) or strict=False mode where Pydantic tries to coerce data to the correct type where appropriate.
Dataclasses, TypedDicts and more — Pydantic supports validation of many standard library types including dataclass and TypedDict.
Customisation — Pydantic allows custom validators and serializers to alter how data is processed in many powerful ways.
Ecosystem — around 8,000 packages on PyPI use Pydantic, including massively popular libraries like FastAPI, huggingface/transformers, Django Ninja, SQLModel, and LangChain.
Battle tested — Pydantic is downloaded >70m times/month and is used by all FAANG companies and 20 of the 25 largest companies on NASDAQ — if you're trying to do something with Pydantic, someone else has probably already done it.
# Some projects
- (Pydantic model support for Django)
- (Simple and powerful factories for mock data generation)
(Pydantic model and dataclasses.dataclass generator for easy conversion of #JSON, #OpenAPI, JSON #Schema, and #yaml data sources)
- (Creates fake JSON files from a JSON schema)
- (Transparently load variables from environment or JSON/YAML/TOML file)
- (Light, Flexible and Extensible #ASGI #API framework Effortlessly Build Performant APIs)
#python #typing #data #validation #pydantic #json #openapi #schema #yaml #asgi #api
Interesting approach 👉 Build an Amazon Redshift data warehouse using an Amazon DynamoDB single-table design #AWS #Database #NoSQL #Analytics #Schema
#aws #database #nosql #analytics #schema
Thought I'd start a developer blog as I get to the UI components of my #EOSC Future-funded #DataScience #Schema #Crosswalks project. The backend APIs are largely done, and so now I'm pixel chasing, which I do not enjoy. And, why yes, it is influenced by both #Elk and #Phanpy although we'll see how far I can push that as this is a very different type of software.
#eosc #datascience #schema #crosswalks #elk #phanpy
Is anyone aware of (or involved with!) a project that collects and publishes #schemas from providers on the #Terraform Registry that #Hashicorp runs, in a machine-consumable / #StructuredData format? #schema #schemata #InfraAsCode #IaC #HashicorpTerraform
#schemas #terraform #hashicorp #structureddata #schema #Schemata #infraascode #iac #hashicorpterraform
Could anyone give me keywords to search for (or pointers to places/folks talking about) different license options for *schemas*?
It seems subtly different enough from both software and documentation licensing that I suspect there’s important nuance I’ll miss if I focus on those areas … #PleaseBoost!
#license #licensing #licenses #FOSSLicensing #legal #law #schema #schemas #schemata #data #structureddata #documentation
#pleaseboost #license #licensing #licenses #FOSSLicensing #legal #law #schema #schemas #Schemata #data #structureddata #documentation
I'll be heading to the "Re-Discovery : Metadata & Discovery Group" conference in September. Looking forward to visiting Brum! I'll present on the metadata modelling of research output expressions. Proposal just accepted -- which you can check out here:
Modelling research output expressions : metadata schema modelling of publication lifecycles and scholarly entities #repositories #metadata #schema #discovery #ResourceDiscovery
#repositories #metadata #schema #discovery #resourcediscovery
Schema: Die militärische Niederlage im Zweiten Weltkrieg – V. 0.5
#Fcher #Geschichte #LehrenUndLernen #Schema #3Reich #DrittesReich #FediLZ #Klasse12Terminale #Nationalsozialism #OER #OERSaarland #Openness #OpenTeach
#fcher #geschichte #LehrenundLernen #schema #3Reich #drittesreich #FediLZ #klasse12terminale #nationalsozialism #oer #oersaarland #openness #openteach
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about the Blueprint module for Drupal. #Schema #Drupal
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about the Blueprint module for Drupal. :drupal: #Schema #Drupal
Has anyone successfully implemented the Speakable #schema where it is actually generating a voice response from Google Assistant? Can you share with me? I'd love a working example for my conference presentation. Schéma Showcase on Saturday, 15 April 2023 at #lpm #münster
Schéma is a multipurpose framework and visual authoring tool aimed at physical and virtual AV installations built with #vvvv
via @domj
#lpm #munster #vvvv #visualprogramming #creativecoding #schema
Following on Reddit thread, I've discovered an interesting #CommonLisp library making a #Schema like language out out CL:
This lib is not in the Quicklisp, but I've added it to and now you can install it using quicklisp client.
#commonlisp #schema #lisp #ProjectOfTheDay
Gromit-MPX ·
#dessin #gomme #crayon #linux #schema #annotation
Testen voor de echte test (over een week of 6)
De meeste duursporttrainers zijn het er wel over eens dat je regelmatig moet testen om de trainingszones te (her)bepalen, zodat de trainingen op je meest effectieve intensiteit gedaan kunnen worden. Daar is veel en weinig over te zeggen, maar vooral dat da
#Evenementen #Hulp,Apps&Tools #Schema's #8020endurance #Bananen #data #triathlon #Zoomman #ZoommanZoomwoman
#zoommanzoomwoman #zoomman #triathlon #data #bananen #8020endurance #schema #hulp #evenementen
Tips to have autocomplete and documentation when you code .gitlab-ci.yml in VSCode:
- Install
- Add to the first line : "# yaml-language-server: $schema="
This is true for all schemas available on
For #Json or #Yaml (Yaml is just a superset of Json)