Porca bestia, sarà #difficile #parlare il #francese, ma anche lo #scritto non #scherza mica #français #suisse #cestpasfacile
#difficile #Parlare #francese #scritto #scherza #francais #suisse #cestpasfacile
The exterior of the ancient main building of the Shintillah Temple complex was made entirely from crystals. Many acolytes from Viria and other planets within the Fenian Galaxy go there to study and become priests or priestesses of Scherza, Goddess of Wisdom.
Temple made using Wombo and tweaked by me in Photoshop.
#virianchronicler #virianchronicles #viriancompanions #vyrdigaanprophecies #goddessofwisdom #scherza #fantasydeities #fantasyreligions #fantasyart #wombo #aiart
#virianchronicler #virianchronicles #viriancompanions #vyrdigaanprophecies #goddessofwisdom #scherza #fantasydeities #fantasyreligions #fantasyart #wombo #aiart
Gwyneth Paltrow scherza con Hailey Bieber: `Mi sono fatta tuo padre nel bagno` - Movieplayer.it #gwyneth #paltrow #scherza #hailey #bieber #fatta #padre #bagno #movieplayerit #30luglio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cDovL21vdmllcGxheWVyLml0L25ld3MvZ3d5bmV0aC1wYWx0cm93LXNjaGVyemEtaGFpbGV5LWJpZWJlci1taS1zb25vLWZhdHRhLXBhZHJlXzExNTM2OS8=
#30luglio #movieplayerit #bagno #padre #fatta #bieber #hailey #scherza #paltrow #Gwyneth
cairo scherza con il fuoco – urbanetto fa finta di niente e continua a non prevedere accantonamenti - Business #cairo #scherza #fuoco #urbanetto #finta #continua #prevedere #accantonamenti #business #13luglio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5kYWdvc3BpYS5jb20vcnVicmljYS00L2J1c2luZXNzL2NhaXJvLXNjaGVyemEtZnVvY28tbmRhc2gtdXJiYW5ldHRvLWZhLWZpbnRhLW5pZW50ZS1jb250aW51YS0zMTcxNTcuaHRt
#13luglio #business #accantonamenti #prevedere #continua #FINTA #urbanetto #fuoco #scherza #cairo
Top Gun 3, Miles Teller scherza con Tom Cruise sul futuro del franchise - Movieplayer.it #miles #teller #scherza #cruise #futuro #franchise #movieplayerit #10luglio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cDovL21vdmllcGxheWVyLml0L25ld3MvdG9wLWd1bi0zLW1pbGVzLXRlbGxlci1oYS1kaWNoaWFyYXRvLWRpLWF2ZXItc2NoZXJ6YXRvLWNvbi10b20tY3J1aXNlLV8xMTQ3MDAv
#10luglio #movieplayerit #franchise #futuro #cruise #scherza #teller #miles