Ich habe gerade erst realisiert, das die Urheberrechte an Egon #Schiele|s Werk schon ausgelaufen sind. Ihr werdet also in Zukunft einiges von meinem Lieblingskünstler (neben Cy Twombly) ertragen müssen.
#Schiele muss gehen? 😳 Ich hab mit vielen gerechnet, damit aber nicht… Wow 😳
#EintrachtBraunschweig #btsv #schiele
Löwen ohne Biss
Moin Löwen!
Er wirkte kurz vor dem Elfmeter genervt von seinen Mitspielern und nach dem Spiel erst recht. Anthony Ujah, GSN-Index 58,81 (oberes 2. Liganiveau) und Zielspieler, sagte nach dem Spiel in der Braunschweiger Zeitung: „Wir müssen Dinge korrigieren von diesem Spiel und einen neuen Plan fi
#DatenweltAktuelleSaison #2Bundesliga #EintrachtBraunschweig #ExpectedGoals #Fnferkette #Regensburg #Schiele #Taktik
#taktik #schiele #regensburg #fnferkette #expectedgoals #eintrachtbraunschweig #2bundesliga #datenweltaktuellesaison
【松下奈緒】『やみつきになる』ウィーンが生んだ若き天才 エゴン・シーレの魅力を熱弁 https://www.moezine.com/458488/
#actress #EGON #SCHIELE #tbs #ウィーン #エゴンシーレ #エンタメ #ほおずきの実のある自画像 #レオポルド美術館 #奈緒 #女優 #松下奈緒 #油彩画 #画家 #絵画 #芸能
#芸能 #絵画 #画家 #油彩画 #松下奈緒 #女優 #奈緒 #レオポルド美術館 #ほおずきの実のある自画像 #エンタメ #エゴンシーレ #ウィーン #tbs #schiele #egon #actress
"Quin tebi pler l'estimar d'amagat
tothom qui ens veu quan ens veu no ho diria
-però nosaltres ja ens hem dat l'abraç
i més i tot, que l'abraç duu follia."
'La rosa als llavis', Joan Salvat-Papasseit
Pintura: 'The Embrace' (1917) d'Egon #Schiele
#poesiaeroticaencatala #SalvatPapasseit #diainternacionaldelabracada #schiele
Die letzte #Zeichnung, mit der Datierung #2022 "E. S. und ich (18:55;31-12-2022)" #Graphit #farbstift #Tusche je 30.2x 20,8cm on toned cardboard.
#art #ArtistOnTwitter #artistonmastodon #portraitdrawing #drawing #saatchiartist #patreoncreator #kunst #künstler #zeichner #woman #nonfinito #Pose #Frauen #portrait #nudedrawing #schiele #selbst
#selbst #schiele #nudedrawing #portrait #frauen #pose #nonfinito #woman #zeichner #kunstler #kunst #patreoncreator #saatchiartist #drawing #portraitdrawing #artistonmastodon #artistontwitter #art #tusche #farbstift #graphit #zeichnung
Egon Schiele, Town among Greenery (The Old City III), 1917
The painting was inspired in part by town Krumau. This canvas contains Schiele's idiom, his use of boldly outlined and sharp contours. What causes this work to stand apart from his portrait work is use of and range of color.
Egon Schiele, Death and the Maiden, 1914-15
The female figure, gaunt and tattered, clings to the male figure of death, while surrounded by an equally tattered, quasi-surreal landscape. It was painted around the time Schiele separated from his longtime lover, Wally Neuzil, and several months before he married his new lover, Edith Harms. The painting memorializes the end of his affair with Neuzil, seemingly conveying this separation as the death of true love. https://cdn.masto.host/mastodonart/media_attachments/files/109/550/438/901/541/651/original/30192b1d70338612.jpg
Egon Schiele by Anton Josef Trčka (1914).
Schiele would often do that peculiar thing with his hands and fingers, and with those of people he sketched and painted - twisted, stretched, fingers spaced differently. I have read various theories as to the possible symbolic reasons behind them, but none have been totally convincing. Has anyone ever read anything where he gives a personal insight into why he did this?
I've long loved his work and find him fascinating
Egon Schiele, Sitting Woman with Legs Drawn Up, 1917
Schiele painted his wife Edith Harms. The fiery red tones of her carefree hair produce a striking contrast with the vibrant greens of her loosely fitted shirt. Her look is bold and intense as she appears to be staring directly at the viewer.
Making eroticism the major theme in most of his artwork got Schiele in trouble with the law. He was imprisoned in 1912 for obscenity in his paintings.
-- https://www.aaronartprints.org/schiele-sittingwomanwithlegsdrawnup.php
Lexikon Der Osterreichischen #Provenienzforschung
Josef Siller
1871 –1948 Vienna
The Siller #collection included around 1,500 nineteenth- and twentieth-century paintings, with works by Ferdinand Georg #Waldmüller, Hans #Makart, Emil Jakob #Schindler, Rudolf v. #Alt, Hans #Canon, Moritz #Schwind, Peter #Fendi, Gustav #Klimt, Egon #Schiele, Anton #Faistauer and the #Leibl circle.
Siller acquired works from the estates of Albert #Figdor and Gottfried #Eissler.
#bio #eissler #figdor #leibl #faistauer #schiele #klimt #fendi #schwind #canon #alt #Schindler #makart #waldmuller #collection #provenienzforschung
Lexikon Der Osterreichischen #Provenienzforchung
Josef Siller
1871 –1948 Vienna
The Siller #collection included around 1,500 nineteenth- and twentieth-century paintings, with works by Ferdinand Georg #Waldmüller, Hans #Makart, Emil Jakob #Schindler, Rudolf v. #Alt, Hans #Canon, Moritz #Schwind, Peter #Fendi, Gustav #Klimt, Egon #Schiele, Anton #Faistauer and the #Leibl circle.
Siller acquired works from the estates of Albert #Figdor and Gottfried #Eissler.
#bio #eissler #figdor #leibl #faistauer #schiele #klimt #fendi #schwind #canon #alt #Schindler #makart #waldmuller #collection #provenienzforchung
Lexikon Der Osterreicheschen #Provenienzforchung
Josef Siller
1871 –1948 Vienna
The Siller #collection included around 1,500 nineteenth- and twentieth-century paintings, with works by Ferdinand Georg #Waldmüller, Hans #Makart, Emil Jakob #Schindler, Rudolf v. #Alt, Hans #Canon, Moritz #Schwind, Peter #Fendi, Gustav #Klimt, Egon #Schiele, Anton #Faistauer and the #Leibl circle.
Siller acquired works from the estates of Albert #Figdor and Gottfried #Eissler.
#bio #eissler #figdor #leibl #faistauer #schiele #klimt #fendi #schwind #canon #alt #Schindler #makart #waldmuller #collection #provenienzforchung
RT @artistschiele
Agony, 1912 #schiele #egonschiele https://www.wikiart.org/en/egon-schiele/agony-1912
RT @artistschiele
Woodland Prayer, 1915 #artnouveau #schiele https://www.wikiart.org/en/egon-schiele/woodland-prayer-1915