I never made an #introduction so, here.
I’m a college student studying game design and development. I enjoy writing, music, baking, casual gaming, journaling, going to libraries, dogs, and watching YouTube.
I do struggle with some mental stuff, #adhd #schizoaffectivedisorder #anxiety and #ptsd but it do be like that sometimes.
I am also going to be brave here and say that I’m panromantic and I’ll leave it at that because I’m afraid to be anymore vulnerable
#introduction #adhd #schizoaffectivedisorder #anxiety #ptsd
The Tyee: Psychosis. Then Gunshots from Police. Inside Dani Cooper’s Death (in News) https://thetyee.ca/News/2023/02/14/Inside-Dani-Cooper-Death/ #bcnews #TheTyee - via @tyee@mstdn.ca #JonathanMorrisCanadianMentalHealthAssociationBCDivision #B.C.’sIndependentInvestigationsOffice #PathwaysSeriousMentalIllnessSociety #MeenakshiMannoePivotLegalSociety #NeilGross,ColbyCollegeMaine #schizoaffectivedisorder #BCHearingVoicesNetwork #BCSchizophreniaSociety #NorthShoreUnitarians #WildfireBakerymural
#BCNews #TheTyee #jonathanmorriscanadianmentalhealthassociationbcdivision #b #pathwaysseriousmentalillnesssociety #meenakshimannoepivotlegalsociety #neilgross #schizoaffectivedisorder #bchearingvoicesnetwork #BCSchizophreniaSociety #northshoreunitarians #wildfirebakerymural
#art #music
#blogging #dogs
#tuaca #beer #genx
#minimalist #freethinker #sarcasm #comedy
#humor #jokes
Dogs, dogs, dogs!!!
I'm seriously obsessed with dogs
#followfriday #art #music #blogging #dogs #tuaca #beer #genx #minimalist #freethinker #sarcasm #comedy #humor #jokes #schizoaffectivedisorder
Some of the conditions I have are #SchizoaffectiveDisorder, #Autism, #ADHD, #PTSD, #TourettesSyndrome, #HereditaryNeuropathyWithPressurePalsies (#HNPP), #EssentialTremors, #Aphasia, and other physical disabilities. I’ve also been going through a lot of other health problems and it looks like I might have #multiplesclerosis but they haven’t figured it out yet. #MS #Schizophrenia #BipolarDisorder
#bipolardisorder #schizophrenia #ms #multiplesclerosis #aphasia #essentialtremors #hnpp #hereditaryneuropathywithpressurepalsies #tourettessyndrome #ptsd #adhd #autism #schizoaffectivedisorder