a fun gregory bateson fact is that in the '50s he revolutionized the western understanding of schizophrenic treatment from "throw them in the looney bin" to "agree with them about their delusions and find a shared ground of reality"
and it appears he did so for the primary purpose of being able to provide intellectual justification for his thought "my mom drove me crazy but i wasnt crazy, my mom just sucked major ass"
#gregorybateson #schizophrenogenesis #doublebind #withadaughterseye
#gregorybateson #schizophrenogenesis #doublebind #withadaughterseye
a fun gregory bateson fact is that in the '50s he revolutionized the western understanding of schizophrenic treatment from "throw them in the looney bin" to "agree with them about their delusions and find a shared ground of reality"
and it appears he did so for the primary purpose of being able to provide intellectual justification for his thought "my mom drove me crazy but i wasnt crazy, my mom just sucked major ass"
#gregorybateson #schizophrenogenesis #doublebind #withadaughterseye
#gregorybateson #schizophrenogenesis #doublebind #withadaughterseye