Europeans really are shameless. Their new thing, now that colony has ended, is to pay for what they did with compassion. They get to play the hero and no one can question them because they’re playing their own race card. They make excuses for bad behavior by minorities in order to keep them loyal and to double down on their colonial ignorance. They usually prevent the service of justice in the process. They also blame minorities who resist them and attack them as the threat to equality. #schizos
RT @9fm98: All kindsa hits!!
with #Ghoulies #TheMarkVodkaGroup #Drunkensailor #Mononegatives #DiscoJunk #AlienNosejob #Underheat #KitchenPeople #TheSmarts #Antifade #TheChats #Nag #IllGlobo #Schizos #Sweettime #TotalRejects #Slovenly #ErickNervous #Liquids #TheDirts
#ghoulies #themarkvodkagroup #drunkensailor #mononegatives #discojunk #aliennosejob #underheat #kitchenpeople #thesmarts #antifade #thechats #nag #illglobo #schizos #sweettime #totalrejects #slovenly #ericknervous #liquids #thedirts