Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: CPAC Got an Actual Priest to Perform an Exorcism After Low-Level Employees Quit Over Pay #Jezebel #conservativepoliticalactionconference #politicalcareerofdonaldtrump #americanconservativeunion #davidsafavian #mattschlapp #markcorallo #exorcism #mercedes #huffman #schlapp #therite
#jezebel #conservativepoliticalactionconference #politicalcareerofdonaldtrump #americanconservativeunion #davidsafavian #mattschlapp #markcorallo #exorcism #mercedes #huffman #schlapp #therite
#CPAC urged to probe more sexual misconduct claims against chair Matt #Schlapp
Bin so #müde und #schlapp.
Würde ich mich jetzt zur #letztenGeneration auf die Straße gesellen... ganz ohne Kleber...
Polizisten würden verzweifeln,weil ich beim Wegtragen durch die Hände rinne. Gemäßigte Autofahrer würden erstaunt glotzen,wenn ich in den Hup-Fanfaren flattere, während die rabiateren erschrocken aufschreien, weil ihre Füßen, die nach mir treten, in mir stecken bleiben, wie in einem Klumpen heißem Teer.
Müsste nur aufpassen,dass kein Gulli in der Nähe ist, in den ich abfließe.
#letztenGeneration #schlapp #mude
"Matt Schlapp, who runs the Conservative Political Action Conference, has been backed by prominent Republicans but some staffers complain of the group’s culture"
'A stunning break': Fox keeping its distance from scandal-shrouded #CPAC. #MattSchlapp #Schlapp #GOP #FoxNews #Republicans
#republicans #foxnews #gop #schlapp #MattSchlapp #cpac
“Somebody should’ve told Matt #Schlapp you can’t drive a stick from the passenger seat”
All Matt Schlapp jokes are welcome here.
Just the headline - Kari Lake advisor hit with $10 million lawsuit as Matt #Schlapp legal drama grows
Matt #Schlapp is the sound 2 raw porkchops make when hitting the kitchen floor.
And the hits keep coming; the party of 'family values' must be for the Fritzl family:
"Matt #Schlapp, the chairman of the American #Conservative Union, and his wife, former #Trump administration official Mercedes Schlapp, were sued Tuesday over an allegation that he #sexually #assaulted a former staff member of #Republican #Herschel Walker’s Georgia Senate campaign in October. "
#schlapp #conservative #trump #sexually #assaulted #republican #herschel
Who here hasn't "aggressively fondled" another man's junk behind the Misses?
Ha! Ha! "Family Values" rats!
Looking like #MAGA Matt #Schlapp is going through some things.
He's getting sued. Interestingly, there's a "conspiracy" angle from the plaintiff.
Here's a spot-on quote from this post by @msignorile, (link in above toot by @stevesilberman):
"The #GOP & the conservative movement have become so devoid of morality that I’m not sure it would matter if others come forward anyway. If they could tolerate#Trump being accused of sexual as sault by dozens of women, and George #Santos fabricating his entire past life, why would Matt #Schlapp making predatory advances against other men while on the job matter to them at all?" #LGBTQ
Text Messages Corroborate Sexual Assault Allegations Against Matt #Schlapp
Um, oops. #SchlappGhazi
Video here, via Acyn:
We need to make this the headline. Take control of messaging for once.
#schlappghazi #schlapp #himercedes #sexualassault
Um, oops. #SchlappGhazi
Video here, via Acyn:
We need to make this the headline. Take control of messaging for once.
#schlappghazi #schlapp #himercedes #sexualassault
@knittingknots I seem to remember Mercedes and Matt Schlapp in Brazil on a CPAC excursion recently. Now I wonder how much junk-pummeling was going on down there. #CPAC #Schlapp #Masher
Oh, dear. Matt #Schlapp has lost Christian Walker.
Christian Walker: ‘Predator’ Matt Schlapp Should Resign From CPAC
I understand that people are now calling for #Schlapp laws against groping male campaign workers' crotches.
I guess the natural selection already in place is insufficient.
#schlapp #mattschlapp #gopcorruption #gophypocrites