Fred · @laubblaeser
288 followers · 2784 posts · Server

Ein Ast!!11elf!

Ich könnte nicht mal so cool wenn ich mir ne Woche Zeit nähme und da liegt halt einfach mal ein rum der aussieht wie ein...?

Was seht ihr darin? :thinking:
? ? ? ?

#schnitzen #ast #monster #dino #vogel #goblin

Last updated 1 year ago

Magic Cauldron · @Magic_Cauldron
504 followers · 3586 posts · Server

Because some of you liked my last posts with my work in progress (naturally I haven't finished these, but started to work on an octopus jewellery dish 🙄 because you can't have enough UFO's in your life 😅) I show you my Kirschvogel. Kirsche means Cherry in German, Vogel = Bird. I had something swallow- or sparrowlike in my mind while I worked on it, but my dear family calls it "Die Ente!" (this duck!) 🤪, because the beak looks very wide when you look from above at the thingie. But I designed it to look at it from the side. I made it for myself and it now sits on a raised place on my desktop, so that I look directly at it and can just be happy about my small bird.

I saw something like this (bigger, shinier, better) on Pinterest last year and tried to make it in a smaller scale. It's a Holder for pens - or respectively my fountain pen of choice. The pen of your choice should resemble the tail feather. As you can see, a lip stick has also a perfect place here.
As funny as this is: The cherry wood I used is selled as neatly in smooth rectangles sowed smoker wood for BBQs. Nice for litte projects and much cheaper than wood which is explicitly sold for whittling. But it's seasoned and really hard wood - which gave me some problems in the beginning - until I switched to soak it before working on it.

#whittling #schnitzen #Holz #carving #cherrywood #woodcarving #wood #woodworking #holzbearbeitung #axe #hatchet #bird #pen #fountainpen #fuller #tintenfuller #ink #mastoart

Last updated 1 year ago

Magic Cauldron · @Magic_Cauldron
491 followers · 3541 posts · Server

Had a lovely afternoon with nice visitor and could do something while we talked. Here are some pics in progress: I played a little bit with fire 🔥 to smooth out the surface of this small jewellery dish I'm making. I always have problems with the surface after using my gouges. Working with sandpaper for too long hurts too much in my wrists. So I had the idea to use fire - it worked out great. Will do some sanding and then give it a polish with my homemade wood butter.
The other picture is showing a little spoon blanket I made today - out of a bit of cherry wood. It's relatively hard wood, before working on it, I always need to soak it for a few minutes in water. Maybe that's really bad for wood? I haven't seen other persons doing this (but maybe they mostly use green wood for whittling?). I tried it at other small objects and the wood didn't splinter or went grey. The outcome was really nice and I could work out a very thin rim. You can see this in the little kitchen chute I made, have a look in this recipe article for a cookie spice (scroll down to have a better look at it):

Also in the picture is the axe/hatchett I got for christmas. Used it for the first time. I like her weight, but the handle is a little bit to thick for my hands. As you can see, she is two faced and has an adze (Runddechsel) for bowls or (bigger than my actual one) spoons. Still searching for a name for her.

#whittling #schnitzen #Holz #carving #spooncarving #woodcarving #wood #woodworking #holzbearbeitung #axe #hatchet

Last updated 1 year ago

Alex Kahl · @LXKHL
131 followers · 234 posts · Server
Mari (they) 🧃🐛 · @Marigoldping
234 followers · 696 posts · Server

Jetzt erstmal schnitzen ehhehe

#schnitzen #whittling

Last updated 2 years ago

Geku · @gebrauchskunst
569 followers · 14266 posts · Server
Shermin Arif · @Magic_Cauldron
325 followers · 1684 posts · Server

Na..? Wer hat sich gerade selbst eine kleine, niedliche, neue zu Weihnachten gegönnt? Mit Hohldechsel auf der gegenüberliegenden Seite zur Axtklinge. Geschmiedet in Bulgarien
Hach, sie ist so hübsch! 🤩 Und sie benötigt natürlich auch einen Namen, wie mein kleines, schwarzes Beil.

#axt #beil #schnitzen #holzbearbeitung #woodcarving #whittling

Last updated 2 years ago

Shermin Arif · @Magic_Cauldron
263 followers · 1385 posts · Server

Whoop! Whoop! Nächster ist am 29.10.2022, 17.00 Uhr!
Der versponnene Salon ist ein offenes Handarbeitstreffen - jede craftende Person ist herzlich willkommen. Wir fertigen Dinge und quatschen nebenbei mit netten Menschen. :)
Gleicher Link via BigBlueButton wie immer in letzter Zeit. Spread the love! Schickt mir ne PN, ich schicke dann den Link zum Meetingraum!

#versponnenersalon #Handarbeitstreffen #diy #crafting #handarbeiten #schnitzen #stricken #spinnen #nähen #töpfern

Last updated 2 years ago

smu · @smunix
41 followers · 452 posts · Server

Ich habe mal wieder einen Löffel geschnitzt.

#holz #woodworking #schnitzen

Last updated 3 years ago

Shermin Arif · @Magic_Cauldron
263 followers · 1386 posts · Server

Klingen auspacken und noch ein wenig Late Night Schnitzen. Carving something to death will do me good.

#whittling #schnitzen

Last updated 3 years ago