And now also with #Schnorr signature support!
Dopo la posizione negativa del governo olandese, anche quello tedesco, con il ministro del digitale #Schnorr, critica la teoria delle #networkfees, affermando che non vi è alcun fallimento del mercato che giustifichi tale intervento normativo, almeno in Germania. In altre parole, il dibattito sul #fairshare, secondo cui gli OTT dovrebbero pagare il “passaggio” sulle reti telecom, sembra affondare ancor prima della potenziale proposta
#schnorr #NetworkFees #fairshare
Very much a work in progress, but I'm able to make N of N (3-round) musig transactions on regtest now with this (comically unsafe and very rudimentary) code:
My plan is to make it possible for counterparties to include signature adaptors (that was my main goal, to show that that is now possible). The whole JIT x-only thing mentioned in a previous post has certainly made this a little more, uh, exciting, than I expected :)
This is a bit heady, but let me try to distill it:
We know that the reduction from #Schnorr sigs to (EC)DLP is "non-tight", what that means is basically if you have an attacker than can forge the signature, you can also break the DLP, the problem being this statement is *probabilistic* - if the attacker forges the sig with probability p, it only breaks DLP with probability p^2 (remember x^2 < x if x < 1).
That means "knowing the DLP is a% secure" is not the same as (1/n)
As a learning exercise, I wrote a toy implementation of MuSig2 (not useable, even as a starting point, for real world code, please note!) in Python, it was useful for me and may be for others trying to get a handle on how it works:
Probably start by reading the top comment and then lines 440-475 to get a handle on it.
Blockstream Director of Research Andrew Poelstra started a blog series about #Covenants in #Bitcoin using #Taproot and OP_CAT. The first in the series is about using #Schnorr signatures to emulate OP_CHECKSIGFROMSTACK. 🪄📜
#schnorr #taproot #bitcoin #Covenants
Blockstream cryptographer @real_or_random recently talked during #RealWorldCrypto 2021 about the #MuSig2 #Schnorr multi-signature scheme. Watch the recording on our YouTube channel! 🔑🔐 #Bitcoin
#bitcoin #schnorr #MuSig2 #realworldcrypto
So I tried reading up on this and I didn't find a good answer yet.
What are the downsides of Schnorr signatures? The only 2 things I can see is that the nonce needs solid randomness to not reveal private keys and using Schnorr makes this property more important and the argument that in short term, introduction of Schnorr sigs is going to slightly decrease privacy.
Episode 303 of Bitcoin And . . . is LIVE
Topics for today:
- @Snyke #LightningNetwork Research
- #Schnorr #Taproot merged into #BTC core
- @Coinbase to sponsor 2 Bitcoin Core devs
- Polkadot to lie about BTC on their network
#Bitcoin #BitcoinAnd $BTC
#BitcoinAnd #bitcoin #btc #taproot #schnorr #lightningnetwork
Join me today for Episode 302 of Bitcoin And . . .
Topics for today:
- @Snyke's #LightningNetwork Research
- #Schnorr #Taproot merged into #BTC core
- @Coinbase to sponsor 2 Bitcoin Core devs
- Dan Tapiero says shorts to get double tapped
- Polkadot to…
#btc #taproot #schnorr #lightningnetwork
Episode 302 of Bitcoin And . . . is LIVE
Topics for today:
- @Snyke #LightningNetwork Research
- #Schnorr #Taproot merged into #BTC core
- @Coinbase to sponsor 2 Bitcoin Core devs
- Polkadot to lie about BTC on their network
#Bitcoin #BitcoinAnd $BTC
#BitcoinAnd #bitcoin #btc #taproot #schnorr #lightningnetwork
May turn out to be one of the more significant merges in Bitcoin's history; but, don't expect the results to be felt for quite a long time: