🎼 Open Scores for Piano v.38
After a while here's a new release of my open scores coded with #LilyPond.
What's new:
- Arnold #Schoenberg: Sechs kleine Klavierstücke op.19 - Preface by #GiancarloSimonacci translated into English (reviews are welcome!)
- Domenico #Scarlatti: Sonata K.141
- Francis #Poulenc: Deux Improvisations FP.113
- Ludwig van #Beethoven: Klaviersonate Nr.8 c-moll Opus 13 "Grande Sonate Pathétique"
pdf: https://github.com/madrisan/open-scores/releases
sources: https://github.com/madrisan/open-scores
#beethoven #poulenc #scarlatti #giancarlosimonacci #schoenberg #lilypond
🎼 Open Scores for Piano v.36
New release of my open scores coded with #LilyPond.
I've added the piano dense partition of Arnold Schoenberg:
Sechs kleine Klavierstücke Op. 19
with a technical preface of Giancarlo Simonacci (in italian) and an excerpt from a Schoenberg's letter to Busoni which is especially enlightening on the composition.
pdf: https://github.com/madrisan/open-scores/releases
sources: https://github.com/madrisan/open-scores
#Schoenberg #GiancarloSimonacci #modernMusic #opensource #piano
#lilypond #schoenberg #giancarlosimonacci #modernmusic #opensource #piano
🎼 Open Scores for Piano v.36
New release of my open scores coded with #LilyPond.
I've added the piano dense partition of Arnold Schoenberg:
Sechs kleine Klavierstücke Op. 19
with a technical preface of Giancarlo Simonacci (in italian) and an excerpt from a Schoenberg's letter to Busoni which is especially enlightening on the composition.
pdf: https://github.com/madrisan/open-scores/releases
sources: https://github.com/madrisan/open-scores
#Schoenberg #GiancarloSimonacci #modernMusic #opensource #piano
#piano #opensource #modernmusic #giancarlosimonacci #schoenberg #lilypond
Today in Labor History March 31, 1913: The Vienna Concert Society rioted during a performance of modernist music. The audience was shocked and offended by the weird music by Schoenberg, Berg, Zemlinsky, and von Webern. Their violent rioting forced a premature end to the concert, which became known as the Skandalkonzert (scandal concert).
#riot #skandalkoncert #webern #berg #mahler #Schoenberg #concert
#Riot #skandalkoncert #webern #berg #mahler #schoenberg #concert
Minor Key . Net Playlist 3/29/23
#IlyaGringolts #LawrencePower #NicolasAltstaedt #RetoBieri #BramvanSambeek #AlexanderLonquich #BobDylan #SarahNemtanu #OrchestreSymphoniqueNationaldUkraine #BastienStil #EricLeSage
#AppleMusic: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/minor-key-net-playlist-3-29-23/pl.u-WabZZAaseN1jmY5
#Qobuz: https://open.qobuz.com/playlist/14191953
#Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5qpDdL6zLRwfgO7zKqkqDq?si=0809421017864394
#ArnoldSchoenberg #Schoenberg #ConstantinRegamey #Regamey #DmitriShostakovich #Shostakovich #ErikSatie #Satie #ClassicalMusic #NowPlaying
#ilyagringolts #lawrencepower #nicolasaltstaedt #retobieri #bramvansambeek #alexanderlonquich #bobdylan #sarahnemtanu #orchestresymphoniquenationaldukraine #bastienstil #ericlesage #playlists #applemusic #qobuz #spotify #arnoldschoenberg #schoenberg #constantinregamey #regamey #dmitrishostakovich #shostakovich #eriksatie #satie #classicalmusic #nowplaying
@vromans @classicalmusic Voted DAP due to circumstances. Started out on 78s #leekonitz. Then those really clay-pigeon type LPs. Then vinyl. My first vinyl was Kohon Qrt, #Schoenberg Str. Qrt. No.1. Reel to Reel. Cassettes (easily the worst ever). Reluctantly having repeated ‘Over my dead body’ CDs. Then everything through smartphone iTunes. My 9yo nephew said way back: Name a tune! I said ‘Hi Beck’, Lee Konitz. He found them (all different versions)I was like 🤗🫢
Verklärte Nacht (La nit transfigurada, 1899) és probablement l'obra més romàntica de Schönberg. Curiosament ell i els seus deixebles (Berg i Webern) van demostrar que dominaven el romanticisme, i això els va permetre més endavant canviar la música per sempre allunyant-se de tot el que s'havia fet abans. I qui millor que Karajan per acomiadar el segle XIX?
#schoenberg #verklärtenacht #music #karajan
#schoenberg #verklartenacht #music #karajan
I’m not a natural fan of the classical voice (or in jazz for that matter*). It is perhaps ironical that I delight in #HeatherHarper’s treatment of #Webern’s #VierLieder (4 songs) für #Singstimme (voiced forcefully?) & #Klavier, Op.12. #CharlesHarper, #piano. Members of #LSO. Directed by Pierre #Boulez. By comparison, imo, #Schoenberg’s 2nd String Qrt is marred by the addition of a soprano. Harper’s performance has an instrumental quality to it. #AntonWebern
*#LadyDay notwithstanding.
#ladyday #antonwebern #schoenberg #Boulez #LSO #piano #charlesharper #klavier #singstimme #vierlieder #webern #heatherharper
Fire face. #Photography #Corrèze #Sunset
#VerklärteNacht #TransfiguredNight #Schoenberg (📷#Canon EOS SLR 2000D. No editing)
#canon #schoenberg #transfigurednight #verklartenacht #Sunset #correze #Photography
#atonalmusic #ArnoldSchoenberg #Schoenberg Instead of posting my own views now (still researching), I figure why not give credit and exposure to some people who have done a great job already. https://symposium.music.org/index.php/33-34/item/2103-schoenberg-on-the-modes-characteristics-substitutes-and-tonal-orientation
#atonalmusic #arnoldschoenberg #schoenberg
This #Schoenberg on teh radio (Schoenberg
Chamber Symphony no.2, Op.38 - BBC Radio 3) is very listenable
#20thcentury #radio3 #schoenberg
Per si és del vostre interès, aquí podeu veure l'adaptació que van dirigir #JeanMarieStraub & Danièle Huillet del "Moses und Aron" de #Schoenberg, l'any 1975
#jeanmariestraub #schoenberg #cinema #cine #opera #film #movies #musica
#introductions supplemental 2 re #music
...and I forgot #FrankZappa from Supplement 1!
#introductions #music #classicalmusic #mahler #richardstrauss #bartok #Shostakovitch #Prokofiev #schoenberg #Ligeti #penderecki #Scriabin #puccini #bach #mozart #beethoven #frankzappa
#NowListening; #GlennGould plays #Berg piano sonata, #Schoenberg’s ‘3 piano pieces’ and #Krenek’s sonata.
#classicalmusic #krenek #schoenberg #berg #GlennGould #nowlistening
I think I used the wrong hashtag. So once again.
Nice idea. Preferences change, can only be a current snapshot.
#Tüür #wagner #Antheil #schoenberg #glass #satie #ligeti
@classicalmusic Nice idea. Preferences change, can only be a current snapshot.
#Tüür #wagner #Antheil #schoenberg #glass #satie #ligeti
My 7 favourite composers:
#schoenberg #rautavaara #saariaho #gubaidulina #nordheim #debussy #penderecki