We will be taking B!SON to three conferences this month:
➡️ #OASPA Online Conference on #OpenAccess #ScholarlyPublishing 2023: https://oaspa.org/conference/
➡️ #MarDI minisymposium at the DMV meeting in Ilmenau: https://www.tu-ilmenau.de/dmv2023/program/minisymposia
➡️ #OAT23 in Berlin: https://open-access-tage.de/open-access-tage-2023-berlin
Looking forward to lots of inspiration, connecting & exchanging ideas 💡
#OASPA #openaccess #scholarlyPublishing #MaRDI #oat23
Pour quelles revues et publishers les chercheurs d’une université pluridisciplinaire travaillent-ils ?
#CaseStudy #France #MaxenceLarrieu #ScholarlyPublishing #ScientificCommunication
#casestudy #France #maxencelarrieu #scholarlyPublishing #scientificcommunication
Publication and collaboration anomalies in academic papers originating from a paper mill: Evidence from a Russia-based paper mill
#AcademicMisconduct #AnnaAbalkina #ghostwriting #PredatoryJournals #PredatoryPublishing #ResearchMisconduct #Russia #ScholarlyPublishing #ScientificCommunication
#academicMisconduct #annaabalkina #ghostwriting #predatoryJournals #PredatoryPublishing #ResearchMisconduct #russia #scholarlyPublishing #scientificcommunication
Global visibility of publications through Digital Object Identifiers
#DOI #GrischaFraumann #HoucemeddineTurki #MohamedAliHadjTaieb #MohamedBenAouicha #ScholarlyPublishing #ScientificCommunication
#doi #grischafraumann #houcemeddineturki #mohamedalihadjtaieb #mohamedbenaouicha #scholarlyPublishing #scientificcommunication
Interventions in scholarly communication: Design lessons from public health
#JessicaPolka #MicahAltman #OpenAccess #PhilipNCohen #PublicHealth #ScholarlyPublishing #ScientificCommunication
#jessicapolka #micahaltman #openaccess #philipncohen #publichealth #scholarlyPublishing #scientificcommunication
👍 Publication of #DataManagement Plans (#DMPs) and #RIOjournal used as examples for good #openscience & #FAIRdata practices the latest #HorizonEurope Guide 🇪🇺
🔗 See more: https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/docs/2021-2027/horizon/guidance/programme-guide_horizon_en.pdf
@EC_REA #horizoneu #horizoneurope #scholarlypublishing #academicpublishing #PlanS
#plans #academicpublishing #scholarlyPublishing #HorizonEU #horizoneurope #fairdata #openscience #riojournal #dmps #datamanagement
The OA Toolkit: https://www.oajournals-toolkit.org/
Written with resource-limited and independent journals in mind: this is a great resource to get your OA journal going or to check if your long-running journal is up to par. Lots of hints as well as important critical topics on many editorial and technical aspects.
*Many* thanks to @DOAJ and OASPA for organizing this initiative. It was a pleasure working with the other board members on this project. Please share!
#scholarlyPublishing #nonprofit #diamondOA
🤔 Are you closely following our content? If you do, you have noticed #EOSCFuture, #DiSSCo, #Ecostack, ParAqua #COSTAction & many other #scientific #projects increasingly #publishing various outputs in their own collections at #RIOJournal. Check out what makes our publishing solution so unique & valued:
#openscience #openresearch #scholarlypublishing #journals #euprojects #horizoneurope #horizoneu
#HorizonEU #horizoneurope #euprojects #journals #scholarlyPublishing #openresearch #openscience #riojournal #publishing #projects #scientific #costaction #ecostack #dissco #eoscfuture
🤔 Are you closely following our content? If you do, you have noticed #EOSCFuture, #DiSSCo, #Ecostack, ParAqua #COSTAction & many other #scientific #projects increasingly #publishing various outputs in their own collections at #RIOJournal. Check out what makes our publishing solution so unique & valued:
#openscience #openresearch #scholarlypublishing #journals #euprojects #horizoneurope #horizoneu
#HorizonEU #horizoneurope #euprojects #journals #scholarlyPublishing #openresearch #openscience #riojournal #publishing #projects #scientific #costaction #ecostack #dissco #eoscfuture
The Diamas Project is asking for help in identifying resources on quality standards for institutional publishing: https://diamasproject.eu/diamas-launches-an-open-call-to-identify-reference-materials/
#scholarlyPublishing #diamondOA
@elduvelle adding more hashtags in the hope of expanding your sample size #peerreview #scholarlyPublishing
#scholarlyPublishing #peerreview
Selecting a journal: a minefield without due diligence
#QUTLibrary blogpost by Sandra Fry, Scholarly Communications Librarian (acting).
#ScholarlyCommunications #ScholarlyPublishing #ScholarlyImpact
#qutlibrary #scholarlycommunications #scholarlyPublishing #scholarlyimpact
Understand patient's view and how to change clinical viewpoints accordingly, notes Juliet dobson from the BMJ @EASE
#EASEEvents #scholarlypublishing
#scholarlyPublishing #easeevents
Scientific journals have a responsibility on raising awareness on #ClimateCrisis despite all the problems they face notes Juliet Dobson at @EASE
conference #EASEEvents #Sciencepolicy #scholarlypublishing #BMJ
#bmj #scholarlyPublishing #sciencepolicy #easeevents #ClimateCrisis
Ask yourself what are your journal's core values and how you support them, suggests James Butcher of Journalology at @EASE #EASEEvents #JournalEditing #scholarlypublishing
#scholarlyPublishing #journalediting #easeevents
If you plan to organize a hybrid/in person conference, do it like @EASE :have some real off-line cats in the room and zoom the camera on them for online audience too #CatsOfMastodon #easeevents #scholarlyPublishing
#scholarlyPublishing #easeevents #CatsOfMastodon
Quality conference need quality audience @EASE #easeevents #scholarlyPublishing #CatsOfMastodon
#CatsOfMastodon #scholarlyPublishing #easeevents
Of some of our conference participants @EASE #easeevents #scholarlypublishing #CatsOfMastodon @pippasmart
#CatsOfMastodon #scholarlyPublishing #easeevents
Check this webinar on jnl quality metrics available on @EASE YouTube channel #scholarlyPublishing
It is ironic that people became so addicted to particular journals in a time when hardly anyone looks at paper journals, nor uses them to find what they need.
Legacy publishers have never been more irrelevant but they continue to scam us.
The answer lies in the hands of scientists but we are too vain to use it.
#ukrio #scholarlyPublishing #metascience