George Macgregor · @g3om4c
339 followers · 50 posts · Server

Here's a paper to announce, authored with my colleagues, Barbara Lancho-Barrantes and Diane Pennington Rasumussen!

'Measuring the concept of literacy : user perceptions and understanding of persistent identifiers in support of open

The paper is available openly here: or


#pid #scholarly #infrastructure #persistentidentifiers #pidgraph #repositories #openinfrastructure #scholarlyinfrastructure #metadata #retrieval

Last updated 1 year ago

ilkayholt · @ilkayholt
178 followers · 176 posts · Server
DataCite · @datacite
943 followers · 90 posts · Server

Some thoughts on the challenges around scholarly infrastructure and solutions from a Latin American perspective, written by Gabi Mejias and Carolina Tanigushi for the Upstream Blog:

#openscience #scholarlyinfrastructure #latinamerica

Last updated 2 years ago

George Macgregor · @g3om4c
194 followers · 128 posts · Server

Insightful piece on taking the long view on scholarly infrastructure.

"...we’re still hearing calls to develop basic research management infrastructure. Why hasn’t it already been developed? Part of the problem is that very little work has been done to quantify the value of research infrastructure"

Why is it so difficult to understand the benefits of ?

HT @adam__moore

#research #infrastructure #openresearch #pids #scholarlyinfrastructure

Last updated 2 years ago