Join us in one week (Wed. May 10, 11am–12:30 pm) for our next webinar, “Combating the Misuse of Information,” and learn how we can address a pressing issue—misinterpretation of #ScholarlyResearch. Featuring speakers Iratxe Puebla (ASAPbio), Mystery Beck (University of Portsmouth), Esther Dell (Penn State College of Medicine), and Anna Nemzer (Russian Independent Media Archive). FREE for NISO members:
- Wow, this is #AWESOME 🖖 WOW!
* We are 45 staff worldwide and we run the global non-profit #DigitalInfrastructure governed by the #ScholarlyResearch community (that is 18,000 organisational members from 148 countries who have registered 150 million #articles #preprints #datasets #chapters #grants). We make all kinds of #Research objects #EasierToFind, cite, link, assess, and reuse - all to help put research in context. * #CrossRef blog.
#awesome #digitalinfrastructure #scholarlyresearch #articles #preprints #datasets #chapters #grants #research #easiertofind #crossref
The Journal of Brief Ideas is a #research journal, composed entirely of 'brief ideas'. The goal here is to provide a place for short ideas to be described - in 200 words or less - for these ideas to be archived (courtesy of Zenodo), searchable and citable.
#research #openaccess #academia #scholarlyresearch