The kids love Dog Man and so can you 🐶
#DogMan #Comics #GraphicNovels #KidsComics #ChildrensBooks #Scholastic #Reading #Books
#comics #graphicnovels #kidscomics #childrensbooks #scholastic #reading #Books #dogman
Gizmodo: Textbook Giant Brings an AI Study Buddy to Its Service for Back-to-School Season #generativepretrainedtransformer #artificialintelligence #largelanguagemodels #cengagelearning #hallucination #danielaamodei #deeplearning #mcgrawhill #scholastic #anthropic #textbook #andybird #pearson #chatbot #chatgpt #openai #chegg #hill #gpt4 #gpt3
#generativepretrainedtransformer #artificialintelligence #largelanguagemodels #cengagelearning #hallucination #danielaamodei #deeplearning #mcgrawhill #scholastic #anthropic #textbook #andybird #pearson #chatbot #chatgpt #openai #chegg #hill #gpt4 #gpt3
In lieu of actual content, and that I have not published anything new of late (yes, I am not a real writer!).
#fireheart #singapore #kidlit #yafantasy #scholasticasia #scholastic
#fireheart #singapore #kidlit #yafantasy #scholasticasia #scholastic
:anar: Les comparto un curso gratuito en latín sobre Tomás de Aquino.
Ofrece un Curso de latín online por Plataforma Zoom
Coordinación: Dres. Julián Barenstien (Argentina) y Vidzu Morales Huitzil (México)
Los días martes del 1 agosto y al 18 septiembre a las 14 hora de México
Theorica et pratica Sancti Thomae Aquinatis de modo scribendi
Profesor Vidzu Morales Huitzil
- Se busca introducir al cursante, en sesiones completamente en latín, dentro de los parámetros lexicográficos empleados por Tomás de Aquino. Es decir, abrir un espacio en el que se estudie el estilo del doctor angélico, con la finalidad de que los asistentes puedan comprender a profundidad las relaciones sintáctico – semánticas objetivadas en la obra del Aquinate.
Curso Theorica et practica Sancti Thomae Aquinatis de modo scribendi es gratuito
-Duración: ocho sesiones de una hora cada una, los martes del 1 de agosto a 18 de septiembre
-Destinatarios: Graduados o Estudiantes de Humanidades, que tengan conocimientos medios/superiores de latín
-El Profesor proveerá el material del curso
De Inscripción. Inscribirse por mail al correo de la Red: con el formato estándar de inscripción mínima
-Nombre y Apellido
- Direcciones: real, mail, teléfono
- Situación académica e institución
De Cursado: Asistir a seis reuniones completas como mínimo
De aprobación: deberá presentar un breve texto (mínimo 200 palabras), escrito en latín, donde se utilice el léxico presentado durante el curso.
-Primera sesión: Caput I (Quod materia prima non potest nisi per creationem in esse produci, et quod ipsa est primum subiectum in generatione physica) / Caput II (Qualiter per mutationem formarum devenitur in cognitionem materiae; et secundum quam rationem materia est principium individuationis)
-Segunda sesión: Caput III (Quod tria sunt genera formarum)
-Tercera sesión: Caput IV (In quo ponitur opinio Commentatoris de dimensionibus interminatis, et reprobatur)
-Cuarta sesión: Caput V (Qualiter res naturales generantur generatione physica ex materia; et de modo constitutionis rei)
-Quinta sesión: Caput VI (Quid sunt dimensiones interminatae secundum veritatem)
-Sexta sesión: Caput VII (Quomodo dimensiones possunt dici interminatae, et quomodo eaedem manent in generato et corrupto)
-Séptima sesión: Caput VIII (Quomodo in homine sunt plures formae secundum essentiam, sed una tantum secundum esse)
-Octava sesión: Caput IX (Quomodo impossibile est duo esse substantialia simpliciter esse in eodem composito materiale)
#latin #Aquino #medieval #medievalMastodon #medievalLatin #escolástica #scholastic
#scholastic #escolastica #MedievalLatin #medievalmastodon #medieval #aquino #latin
One of #Scholastic’s Best-Selling Authors Tells Publisher: “I Need You To Be Braver”
Update in the Love in the Library fiasco - Scholastic apologies and offers to talk about how they can help promote/publish the book
Scholastic wanted to license her children's book — if she cut a part about 'racism'
#maggietokudahall #scholastic #loveinthelibrary
I'm just so tired of asking those who have been oppressed to do the hard work of making their oppressors see the light.
#Scholastic has a HUGE reach. They could step up and do that hard work. But instead they kicked it back down to the author and said, "you do it. you appease the people who held you down in the first place"
h/t @ct_bergstrom
#Scholastic has backed off sanitizing the author's note at the end of _Love in the Library_ and the CEO sorta-apologized, calls the backlash a "teaching moment" (in his words: "it was moving and instructing for us"--because PoC only exist to 'inspire' and 'teach' white people, and only if the backlash is public enough.
Scholastic's note:
A hard "NO" to #Scholastic publishing
@sheilamaverbuch would be very difficult to boost anything promoting #scholastic at this moment while they’re busy suppressing history and fact
How in the world are we gonna change the narrative that no matter the book and its content, it’s still a book? Book companies such as #Scholastic should know that and should know better… wtf. 😠 Conservatism is a disease.
#NPR #Racism #Books
Scholastic wanted to license her children's book — if she cut a part about 'racism'
#books #racism #npr #scholastic
@histodons #selfcensorship #usa #racism #internmentcamps I’m sure there’s precedence, but the juxtaposition of capitalism and bigotry is not always so obvious … though #DeSantis shows us exactly where America wants to go back too … wonder how Anna Frank’s journal would be re-edited by #scholastic, which clearly shouldn’t be in the business of education
#selfcensorship #usa #racism #internmentcamps #desantis #scholastic
#Scholastic Attempted To #Sanitize #Japanese #History in the Name of ‘Amplifying #Asian Voices’
#asian #history #japanese #sanitize #scholastic
Next time the grand daughter brings home the #Scholastic catalogue from school, I'll be spending the $70 or so at Magabala (my kids were brought up on their books anyway) and Readings (buy most of my books from them).
That they have caved so easily to fascist ideals so swiftly is disgusting & my hard earned $ is best spent elsewhere.
Magabala Books:
"It is our sincere hope that we can start this conversation over and still be able to share this important story about Ms. Tokuda-Hall’s grandparents, who met in a WWII Incarceration camp, with the author's note unchanged."
The only way to disrupt the publishing industry's whisper networks is to speak out. Tokuda-Hall took a risk, many people loudly and publicly supported her, and #Scholastic backtracked. 👊
#scholastic #FreedomToRead #bookstodon
Offered for any authors interested: Martha Brockenbrough is inviting writers to join her in sending a message to #Scholastic
The letter is here:
The tweet is here:
Maggie #TokudaHall: "What #publishing, our dubious white ally, does so often to marginalized creators. They want the credibility of our identities, want to market our biographies. They want to sell our suffering, smoothed down and made palatable to the white readers they prioritize. To assuage white guilt with stories that promise to make them better people, while never threatening them, not even with discomfort. They have no investment in our voices. Always, our voices are the first sacrifice at the altar of marketability.
And excuse my language, but absolutely the fuck not." #Scholastic #books #library #racism #whiteSupremacy #whiteness #commOdon #literature #childBooks
#tokudahall #publishing #scholastic #books #library #racism #whitesupremacy #whiteness #commodon #literature #childbooks
"They want to sell our suffering, smoothed down and made palatable to the white readers they prioritize. To assuage white guilt with stories that promise to make them better people, while never threatening them, not even with discomfort.
They have no investment in our voices. Always, our voices are the first sacrifice at the altar of marketability.
And excuse my language, but absolutely the fuck not.”
👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼
#maggietokudahall #racism #scholastic
Remember that thread about how trad publishers are doing nothing to help authors whose books are banned, and how they leave those authors to "fight back"?
Well, it's even worse.
#BookBans #Publishing #Scholastic
#scholastic #publishing #bookBans