It also suggests that most of us "intend" things to happen ... sorry to say, we're just minor cogs in this machine of #scholcomm
@HelenBranswell Hi #medlibs and #scholcomm people, is anyone talking about using a subscribe-to-open model to keep ProMED going? (Scroll up for the latest news)
Good line from Jamie Caridi, president of Bethany College: “There are so many orthodoxies at [colleges and universities]; some are load-bearing and important, and some honestly just weigh down the institution. You don’t know which is which until you start taking a hard look at things.”
He was talking about admissions. But I'd extend the same thought to #AcademicPublishing and #ScholarlyCommunication.
#scholcomm #academia #scholarlycommunication #academicpublishing
There's still time to register for the #NISOPlus23 Forum on #AI and #MachineLearning in #ScholComm, happening October 3 in Washington, DC! Here’s why you should join us:
#nisoplus23 #ai #machinelearning #scholcomm
Is there a search portal for all content published by OLH? #openaccess #scholcomm
In one week: Explore the challenges & opportunities for maximizing the use of #multilingual content in #ScholComm in our next webinar (September 13, 11:00 am EDT US/Canada).
As always, monthly webinars are FREE for NISO members:
#medlibs #scholcomm really interesting blog post, please scroll up and click through
A blog post I wrote on library publishing just got published by the IFLA Library Publishing Special Interest Group
Would be thrilled if you read and shared
#OA #OpenAccess #ScholComm #SciComm #ScholarlyPublishing #publishing #HigherEd #academia #library #libraries #librarian
#oa #openaccess #scholcomm #scicomm #scholarlypublishing #publishing #highered #academia #library #libraries #librarian
Who's afraid of open infrastructures?
Joanna Ball (#DOAJ Managing Director), Yvonne Campfens (OA Switchboard), and Tasha Mellins-Cohen underline the importance of non-profit infrastructure and standards bodies.
#scholcomm #openaccess #infrastructure #nonprofit #AcademicChatter
#doaj #scholcomm #openaccess #infrastructure #nonprofit #academicchatter
Upcoming Special Event (September 6-7, 2023): Peer Review Challenges and Opportunities. A Charleston In Between Virtual Conference & More Headlnes #peerreview #scholcomm
ICYMI Journal Article: "Interventions in Scholarly Communication: Design Lessons From Public Health" #scholcomm
[Pre-print] #Predatory Journals on #Twitter: The Lack of Community Engagement
By Andreas Nishikawa-Pacher
#PredatoryJournals #OAPred #PredatoryPublishers #publishing #research #OMICS #scholComm
#predatory #twitter #predatoryJournals #oapred #PredatoryPublishers #publishing #research #omics #scholcomm
Boston Library Consortium joins the movement to support DOAJ
This partnership will provide an avenue for BLC’s coalition of libraries in the northeastern United States to support DOAJ’s work to curate and index nearly 20,000 peer-reviewed, open access journals from around the world.
We thank BLC for their fantastic support.
#scholcomm #openaccess #infrastructure #DOAJSupporter #AcademicChatter
#scholcomm #openaccess #infrastructure #doajsupporter #academicchatter
If you care about #AI & its potential for/impact on #ScholComm, here's a chance to explore challenges/opportunities with leaders from #libraries, #publishers, tech, & more! Register for the #NISOPlus23 Forum (October 3 in Washington, DC):
#ai #scholcomm #libraries #publishers #nisoplus23
The #scholcomm landscape has a feature it didn't have in my PhD field during my training (the twenty-noughts) -- namely, the pairing of prestige outlets with subsidiary journals of presumably lesser quality (however defined). How should I think of this? Should this branding affect my decision to e.g. review a paper, or submit my own work, or accept manuscript transfer following a rejection?
This pattern shows up in many places and I could make facile analogies -- small branch campuses of some larger organization, say, a hospital or a university or a bank -- but maybe that's going to be misleading.
Did you know that our monthly webinars are FREE to NISO members? (Next one is Wed., September 13, on #multilingual content):
Not sure if your org is a member? Check our roster:
#libraries #publishers #ScholComm
#multilingual #libraries #publishers #scholcomm
🎉 Exciting news! The Public Knowledge Project joins DataCite as a DataCite Registered Service Provider. Learn more about how PKP implemented best practice #DOI & metadata registration in #OJS:
Please boost if you love best practice #DOI metadata!🚀
#doi #ojs #PIDs #openinfrastructure #openresearch #scholcomm
Registrations are now open for DOAJ at 20: Global – the second event celebrating #DOAJat20.
The event will take place online on 28th September, 13.00-15.00 UTC. It includes lightning talks from speakers worldwide on the obstacles, challenges, opportunities and successes that #openaccess brings globally. Our DOAJ Ambassador, Ivonne Lujano will be moderating a range of inspiring and thought-provoking speakers.
#doajat20 #openaccess #academicchatter #scholcomm #scholarlypublishing
New data shows that #DOAJ provides vital visibility to ~10,000 journals not indexed in Web of Science or Scopus, and plays an important role in enabling discovery of #African research.
Blog post from DOAJ's Head of Outreach, Tom Olijhoek
#scholcomm #scholarlypublishing #openaccess #AcademicChatter #Africanresearch
#doaj #african #scholcomm #scholarlypublishing #openaccess #academicchatter #africanresearch
Why should you bring #preprints into your journal club?
Here’s what #ECRs stand to gain by looking beyond published papers. 9/n
#AcademicChatter #Writing #Academia #PhDlife #PhD #ECR #SciComm #ScholComm #ResearchCulture #EDI #DEI #Preprint #Reproducibility #OpenAccess #OpenScience #OpenResearch
#openresearch #OpenScience #openaccess #reproducibility #preprint #dei #edi #researchculture #scholcomm #scicomm #ECR #phd #phdlife #academia #writing #academicchatter #ECRs #preprints