Survey of Precursors Of Category Theory
A few years ago I began a sketch on the “Precursors of Category Theory”, tracing the continuities of the category concept from Aristotle, to Kant and Peirce, through Hilbert and Ackermann, to contemporary mathematical practice. A Survey of resources on the topic is given below, still very rough and incomplete, but perhaps a few will find it of use.
#CategoryTheory #CombinatoryLogic #PropositionsAsTypesAnalogy
#Aristotle #Kant #Peirce #Schönfinkel #Hilbert #Ackermann
#Carnap #Curry #WilliamHoward #Lambek #SaundersMacLane
#saundersmaclane #lambek #williamhoward #curry #carnap #ackermann #hilbert #schonfinkel #Peirce #kant #aristotle #propositionsastypesanalogy #combinatorylogic #categorytheory