Last year, I predicted the tactics that conservatives would be using today to push their ,
, and agendas.

I accurately called out that they would use slanderous words like "groomer" and "pedophile" if you fought against them.

#schoolcensorship #bookbanning #thoughtcontrol

Last updated 2 years ago

Say NO to !
Say NO to !
Say NO to tax dollars going to for-profit, private schools (i.e. )!
Say NO to defunding public schools!

#schoolcensorship #bookbanning #schoolvouchers #southcarolina #scpol #education #schools #publicschools

Last updated 2 years ago

"The predominant advocates of the Nazi-like book banning conspiracy are Republican legislators and GOP governors from Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah and Virginia."

Book banning: A red flag behavior

#southcarolina #scpol #bookbanning #schoolcensorship

Last updated 2 years ago

Southern Libtard · @SouthernLibtard
211 followers · 217 posts · Server

We need parents to start a campaign to ensure the , with its references to , , rape, and grisly crucifixions, be removed from all libraries in order to comply with 's dumb-ass law.

Roberto Clemente book removed from Florida public schools pending review over discrimination references

#bible #slavery #genocide #florida #schoolcensorship #bookbanning

Last updated 2 years ago

What happens when you start banning education about racism in American history, forbid discussions in classrooms and removing books?

You're left with racist adults exercising "parental choice" in passing their hatred down to their kids.

#racism #crt #schoolcensorship #bookbans

Last updated 2 years ago