A gif I made from the footage of my son's end-of-the-year school show.
Guess who's the crazy boy in red and yellow clothes with a blue hat?
Yep, that's him 😂!
Music from Mortelle Adèle #anime & #comics
#anime #comics #thirdgrade #schooldance #mortelleadele #endoftheyearshow
#Bales2023FilmChallenge March 11: a (positively awkward) #SchoolDance for #NationalPromposalDay
Frederick Wiseman is the fly-on-the-wall at Northeast High School, filming teenage angst and awkwardness. There's talk of #PromNight, and small dramas when it turns out that above-the-knee is not formal wear thankyouverymuchyounglady. The dance itself is never shown. This is High School (1968). I'm glad I never have to set foot in one ever again.
#film #FrederickWiseman #HighSchool #documentary #CinémaVérité #Prom #TeenageAngst @film https://letterboxd.com/12pt9/list/bales2023filmchallenge
#bales2023filmchallenge #schooldance #nationalpromposalday #promnight #film #frederickwiseman #highschool #documentary #cinemaverite #prom #teenageangst