These lawmakers should be able to spend what they want on lunches, so long as the food comes from the same supplier as elementary schools: shriveled up burgers on stale buns, spaghetti that somehow tastes like Mexican food, pie shell filled with something green... and Jell-O.
#uspolitics #horrorstories #schoolfood
Heading back to some joyful rest after briefing checking in with my work at Nourish Nova Scotia. I’d be glad and grateful if any followers felt moved to make a donation to the #NovaScotia #SchoolFood fund: https://app.fundmetric.com/kpcbu0up #Halifax
#novascotia #schoolfood #Halifax
I live in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island and work supporting family doctors across Atlantic Canada.
I am treasurer/founding member of PEI's Healthy School food program, past President of the PEI Home and School Federation and candidate for PEI Public Schools Branch school trustee (TBD Nov 10th).
#Charlottetown #PrinceEdwardIsland #AtlanticCanada #schoolfood #homeandschool #peihsf #peischoolfood #art #parent #volunteer #schoolcommunity #pei #novascotia #newfoundland #newbrunswick
#newbrunswick #newfoundland #novascotia #pei #schoolcommunity #volunteer #parent #art #peischoolfood #peihsf #homeandschool #schoolfood #atlanticcanada #princeedwardisland #charlottetown
Finnish school food. The best in the world. Messages from schoolchildren: 1. Eat a variety. 2. Raw materials up close. 3. Reduce wasted food. 4. Develop a food culture. @climate_ambass #schoolfood #climateaction @oulunkaupunki @ilmastolukiot
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MirjaVehkapera/status/1514141613534158863