I am thrilled to announce that I have been selected as an #ISTEambassador for the upcoming conference in June.
#education #edtech #teaching #learning #professionaldevelopment #FlipEDU #Flipboard #istelive #iste #ASCD #teachersfollowteachers #principals #schools #schoolleaders #technology #experience #share #career #event #events #help
#isteambassador #education #edtech #teaching #learning #professionaldevelopment #flipedu #flipboard #istelive #iste #ascd #teachersfollowteachers #principals #schools #schoolleaders #technology #experience #share #career #event #events #help
@PaulKirschner @thebandb
I cannot figure out what about this that is new.
#teachers already have such bad #workconditions and long hours, working late into the night to prepare lessons for groups always growing in number, trying to sort any problems without help as any such is long gone due to lack of resources. Even less time to reflect, discuss and improve. The same goes for #schoolleaders in times of cuts and minimized budgets.
I agree with @dylanwiliam - first find what to stop doing
#teachers #workConditions #schoolleaders
For those based around Northampton, there is an opportunity to join us: https://www.teachnorthamptonshire.com/job/job-hopping-hill-primary-school/
#governors #schoolleaders #volunteering
Volunteering is an important part of my life and being a governor for Hopping Hill Primary School is one of my most rewarding volunteer roles. Supporting children’s education has a massive positive effect on them, their communities and the world at large.
If you have the opportunity to volunteer this year, I would strongly recommend becoming a school governor. Find out more from the National Governors Association: https://www.nga.org.uk/Home.aspx
#governors #schoolleaders #volunteering
This picture is all too familiar. The focus should not be just on attracting more teachers.
We need to support those we've got. We need to support those with less than 5 - 10 years of experience.
They are leaving teaching in great numbers.
Do you know a secondary teacher in this boat?
Are you a school leader looking for more support for your newer teachers?
That's what I do! Learn What Can't Be Taught has a new program to support newer teachers: 'Refresh and Reload.'
A program for secondary teachers.
Designed by a secondary teacher.
Delivered by a secondary teacher.
Click the link for more info.
#education #schoolleaders #schoolleadership #teachers #teachertraining #change #teachersupport #learnwhatcantbetaught #thebrokenworldofeducation
#education #schoolleaders #schoolleadership #teachers #teachertraining #change #teachersupport #learnwhatcantbetaught #thebrokenworldofeducation
Happy New Year! @edutooters @EdRoundtables @benniekara @hywel @beingluminary @Lisa7Pettifer @MrRowntreeEdu @PeteWharmby @Penny_Ten @RachelOrr @Tvrav #edutooters #edleadership #educoach #edutooter #Education #schoolleaders
#schoolleaders #Education #edutooter #educoach #edleadership #edutooters
It is time to 'Refresh and Reload '
#education #teachertraining #schoolleaders
✴️✴️NEW BLOG ✴️✴️
Top 7 Tips on how to develop Visionary Leadership.
Can visionary leadership be taught?
Short answer? YES! But it is a process which can take time and introspection. In my blog I talk about some steps you can take to start developing your leadership vision. #education #edutooter #schoolleaders #edleadership #educoach @benniekara @EdRoundtables @davidweston @edutooters @Freereed59
#educoach #edleadership #schoolleaders #edutooter #Education
This week, I’ll be working with aspiring #SchoolLeaders on leading #data inquiry. Sometimes, depending on their question or as a way to supplement #quantitative data, they design and deploy #surveys. But so, so many surveys are so poorly, poorly designed. And bad surveys yield bad data. To help them (and all of us), I wrote this short guide on how to design less-bad surveys. https://scholar.harvard.edu/jmnoonan/blog/quick-guide-better-surveys #EdLeadership #EduTooter #Education #Leadership
#leadership #education #edutooter #edleadership #surveys #quantitative #data #schoolleaders
***NEW BLOG***
Proactive Wellbeing Coaching: How to Support Yourself & Your School community
I share practical solutions to support a school community's wellbeing.
#MHWB #education #edutooter #schoolleaders #humanityinleadership #wellbeing #selfcare #coaching
@EdRoundtables @benniekara @issydhan
#coaching #SelfCare #wellbeing #humanityinleadership #schoolleaders #edutooter #Education #mhwb