But as the #SchoolLetters reveal, #PublicSchool (or #stateSchool) is not actually accessible to all children of the local community, due to widespread insistence in the schools that a) Christian holidays aren't religious and b) it's only appropriate to talk about non-Christian holidays around the same time as Christian holidays.
There are many ways public school is inaccessible to various kids: e.g. lack of funding/teachers/programming for kids with developmental delays or "gifted" kids...
#schoolletters #publicschool #stateschool
Shavua tov and Pope Gregory's shana tova!
Sometimes life gives you a whack, then a few more just to remind you it can. I am glad to have time for this again!
But for the purpose of time management, I'll be addressing the #JWHIA #SchoolLetters in a bit less depth. That said, if I skip something you're curious about, @ me!
onward to the latest #DearParent letter:
#jwhia #schoolletters #dearparent
translations! after the last 2 #SchoolLetters, couldn't resist a short one with just the easy stuff 😁
fleishig, treyf, and my personal favorite, shomer treyf, here: