I don’t want to do school, but I also do NOT want to do school. Does anyone else feel similarly. #college #SchoolProcrastination #school
#college #schoolprocrastination #school
#7Books #7BooksToKnowMe #SchoolProcrastination
Oh boy. The only way I could think to narrow this down was to list books I’ve read more than once ( so, lots are missing).
In no meaningful order:
1. The Little Prince
2. Cryptonomican
3. Neuromancer
4. The Once & Future King
5. White Noise
6. Santiago: A Myth of the Far Future
7. Tie- LOTR, Dune, and Wheel of Time series
#SaintExupéry #Stephenson #Gibson #White #DeLillo #Resnick #Tolkien #Herbert #Jordan
#7books #7bookstoknowme #schoolprocrastination #saintexupery #stephenson #gibson #white #delillo #resnick #tolkien #herbert #jordan