I'm off to my school reunion tonight.
It's been many, many years.
I've not moved from the catchment area of the school...
I'm going as me.
I've not changed (personality wise) since school.
So they still won't like me.
"Hey, I've had a great idea, let's all get together for a #SchoolReunion!".....
Mae 'na son am aduniad ysgol ym mis Tachwedd. Edrych ymlaen at weld pawb eto. Ydy hi'n rhy gynnar i dechrau poeni am be' dwi'n mynd i wisgo?
#AduniadYsgol #40Blynedd #Casau Gwisgo-I-Fyny
There's mention of a school reunion in November. Looking forward to seeing everyone again. Is it too early to start worrying about what I'm going to wear?
#hatedressingup #40Years #schoolreunion #casau #40blynedd #aduniadysgol
Mae 'na son am aduniad ysgol eto eleni - 10 mlynedd ers yr un dwetha a 40 blynedd ers inni neud lefelau 'O'. Sy'n gret... tan dwi'n sylwi bod rwan 'dan ni i gyd yn hŷn na mwyafrif o'r athrawon oedd yn dysgu ni ar y pryd...
There's mention of another school reunion this year - 10 years since the last one and 40 years since doing 'O' levels. Which is great... until I notice that now we're all older than the majority of teachers who were teaching us at the time were...
#SchoolReunion #GettingOld
School reunion? Hell-to-the-no.......
#schoolreunion #no #nonono #nonononono