If you're interested in starting a #schoolstreets program in your city or town but don't know where to start, the BC Cycling Coalition has a great interview with pediatrician Dr. Trent Smith in #Kamloops who helped get their first pilot program running this year.
* find a champion at the city who is responsible for climate targets or mode shift goals
* monitor before, during, and after the program
* start small and build out after (longer / more schools)
survey says people in #Portland would rather sit on #transit & read than be #drivers. #pdxBikes and #eBikes seem popular, must be time to paint "bus and turn only" on the outside lanes of our #stroads and let's get out of #pdxTraffic + do a solid #ClimateAction, plus besides: #CarsRuinCities #GeometryHatesCars, the future of #transportation is kids biking themselves to school or joining a #BikeBus, make #SchoolStreets, #BusLanes, & #EdgeLaneRoads / #AdvisoryBikeLanes, out of existing car lanes
#portland #transit #drivers #pdxbikes #ebikes #stroads #pdxtraffic #climateaction #CarsRuinCities #geometryhatescars #transportation #BikeBus #schoolstreets #buslanes #edgelaneroads #advisorybikelanes
@enobacon @bluGill we're still waiting on the final report, but the School Streets closure at our school this year was tremendously popular with kids and parents. There was definitely hesitation going in, but once everyone saw the benefits of closing a street down, the minor inconveniences were largely forgotten.
I'm pretty sure this has been the experience in London and Paris too, which has rolled out much more comprehensive #SchoolStreets than we've experimented with in Vancouver.
@bluGill have you never seen the #SchoolStreets hashtag? This is not a hard problem, at all. Dropping your kids off a block from school is fine if there are no cars on that block. Most kids would rather bike or walk with their friends, so there won't be "all those cars", by about half, and the rest are dispersed over a wider area instead of jammed into that space.
The County Councillor for Claines says she supports #SchoolStreets. The Cabinet Member for Highways on #WorcestershireCountyCouncil says he supports School Streets. Does it sound like either of them actually do? https://worcestershire.public-i.tv/core/portal/webcast_interactive/778011/start_time/9264000?force_language_code=en_GB
#schoolstreets #worcestershirecountycouncil
and as usual the school parent drivers were double and triple parked and doing all manner of nonsense #BanCars #SchoolStreets
"students who are physically active before school do better academically, have better social relationships, get in trouble less... even something like #SchoolStreets where the road right in front of the school is closed and drop off is farther away, increases safety but also increases physical activity" 💯
parents of my kid's school just got a *lengthy* voicemail talking-to by the principal regarding their reckless parking behavior and I AM HERE FOR IT.
#SafeStreetsForAll #SafeRoutesToSchool #ItsABikeLane #BikeTooter #BikeLane #SchoolStreets
#safestreetsforall #saferoutestoschool #ItsABikeLane #BikeTooter #bikelane #schoolstreets
#SchoolStreets protect kids from cars and pollution, and create space for #BikeToSchool #FreeRangeKids, #depaving and greening streets. All you need to do is push car traffic a block or two away from the front door for at least a couple hours of the day.
#schoolstreets #biketoschool #freerangekids #depaving
@markstos #SchoolStreets, even just for 30 min before and after school. Not letting through traffic and triple parking fill every street around the school opens some space to people crossing, arriving by bike, playing in the street with friends before the bell... People who need to drive can drop their kids off one block farther away and know they won't encounter conflict with drivers because they have a car-free route to the door, more people who live close can just let their kid walk/bike.
The whole video is worthwhile, but 11:20 is particularly interesting. 😀
The whole video is worthwhile, but 11:20 is particularly interesting. 😀
Our school district says they're getting serious about air quality, but where are the car-free #SchoolStreets on at least one blockface of every school?
#schoolstreets #visionzero #pedestriansfirst #UrbanPlanning #urbandesign #urbanism #noplaningwithoutoplicy #parkingreform #parkingmanagement #parking #תכנוןעירוני #תכנוןתחבורה #תכנוןרחובות #תכנוןאורבני #איןתכנוןבלימדיניות #איןחניהחינם #רחובותבתיספר #חזוןאפס
#schoolstreets #visionzero #pedestriansfirst #UrbanPlanning #UrbanDesign #urbanism #noplaningwithoutoplicy #parkingreform #parkingmanagement #parking #תכנוןעירוני #תכנוןתחבורה #תכנוןרחובות #תכנוןאורבני #איןתכנוןבלימדיניות #איןחניהחינם #רחובותבתיספר #חזוןאפס
"It’s bizarre. We are a society obsessed with the safety of our children, sometimes to a ridiculous extent. Yet when it comes to the school run, the automobile remains sacred." -Taras Grescoe https://straphanger.substack.com/p/the-case-for-car-free-school-streets #SafeRoutesNow #SchoolStreets #PeopleStreets #RoadSafety #SafetyOverSpeed #TarasGrescoe #CarCulture
#saferoutesnow #schoolstreets #peoplestreets #roadsafety #SafetyOverSpeed #tarasgrescoe #carculture
It's like a one minute metaphor about how our obsession with electric cars and general incompetence at operating them and our transportation system has doomed us to decades of #ClimateInaction and killing 40k people with cars every year while saddling future generations with impossible debts. Can we just get the cars out of the way?
#MustGetInFront #CarsRuinCities #SchoolStreets #SafeRoutesToSchool #BanCars #EV
#climateinaction #mustgetinfront #CarsRuinCities #schoolstreets #saferoutestoschool #bancars #ev
RT from Dulwich Wood School Street (@DWSchoolStreet)
🅿️ We seem to be suffering from a Persistent Pavement Parking Disorder
💊A good cure would be a regular dose of @lb_southwark Parking Enforcement. Once a day, between 8.30am - 9am
#StreetsForKids #SchoolStreets #healthystreets @FootwaysLondon
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/DWSchoolStreet/status/1636629869688676352
#streetsforkids #schoolstreets #healthystreets
Today's #SafeRoutesToSchool update is that the sidewalk on the huge hill between high school and grade school (all pps property) is completely not shoveled, craters of ice and slush or you can walk in the mud, bike lane coated with grit and gravel, car lanes mostly clear. #SchoolStreets #banCars
#saferoutestoschool #schoolstreets #bancars
Half a century ago, it was very common for kids to disappear into their neighborhood and play with other kids, often arriving by bike. This included the school commute. #BikeBus #SchoolStreets #banCars
#BikeBus #schoolstreets #bancars