More on Not Fine in School here:
#education #Schools #SEND #Children #SchoolTrauma #NotFineInSchool
#notfineinschool #schooltrauma #children #send #schools #education
Another quote from Square Pegs:
"A child who deviates (...) may be telling us (...) that the arrangements of our schools are harmful to human beings.
Something toxic is in the air, and these children refuse to inhale it."
#education #Schools #SEND #Children #SchoolTrauma #NotFineInSchool
#notfineinschool #schooltrauma #children #send #schools #education
Another quote from Square Pegs:
"A child who deviates (...) may be telling us (...) that the arrangements of our schools are harmful to human beings.
Something toxic is in the air, and these children refuse to inhale it."
#education #Schools #SEND #Children #SchoolTrauma #NotFineInSchool
#notfineinschool #schooltrauma #children #send #schools #education
Subject: not fine in school
"What if our 'square pegs' aren't the problem? What if they're actually the canaries in the mine, alerting us to problems in our education system?"
#education #Schools #SEND #Children #SchoolTrauma #NotFineInSchool
#notfineinschool #schooltrauma #children #send #schools #education
Subject: not fine in school
"What if our 'square pegs' aren't the problem? What if they're actually the canaries in the mine, alerting us to problems in our education system?"
#education #Schools #SEND #Children #SchoolTrauma #NotFineInSchool
#notfineinschool #schooltrauma #children #send #schools #education
Hey, imagine if we had a school system model that made every single child feel they're not quite good enough, and some children feel like they're worse than useless? 😁
Oh. We do. 🤔
#School #Education #SchoolTrauma #Capitalism #Competition #ModernSociety
More below ⬇️
#modernsociety #competition #capitalism #schooltrauma #education #school
@Supposenot They need time to recover. No child can learn if their mental health is shattered.
The goal of finding the ‘right college’ or ‘program’ is a dead end, if the child doesn’t want to do it. No matter their ‘potential’.
The Autistic Community is littered with former ‘Gifted Children’ who burnt out. I think that #autisticburnout is a bigger risk right now, than finding the right college.
Hope it goes well xx
#autisticburnout #actuallyautistic #AutisticKids #schooltrauma
I empathize with school shooters
I once watched a TED Talk by the mother of one of the Columbine school shooters. It was pretty interesting, and I kept waiting for her to talk about school. It was a school shooting after all. But throughout the whole thing, school was very inconsequential in her talk.
There are reasons why they shoot up schools, specifically...
#schooltrauma #trauma #neurodivergent #actuallyautistic
Hello all #ActuallyAutistic #LGBTQ #SchoolTrauma survivors! Would you be interested in an online community focused on being able to talk about trauma caused by school specifically? I know from personal experience that it's a risky thing to talk about with many people because they just don't get it. So I'm thinking about creating a space for it.
Please #boost :)
#actuallyautistic #lgbtq #schooltrauma #boost
Although it has been 45 years, people don't realize how school trauma affects them, even generations later.
At our retirement home, lately, the music in the dining room has been too loud to hold a conversation. Or ask for the food we want in line.
It has been so loud, it has damaged my hearing aids, and I feel like crying from the pain.
And yet, I was reacting based on #SchoolTrauma from 45 years ago.
Back when schools started putting traffic lights in the dining room, and if they caught anyone talking, at any volume, they turned it red, and did not allow speaking at all during the remainder of the meal.
Often, they never took it off of red, thereby denying kids the right to talk during the one 20 minutes of the day they should have been socializing.
I was still responding, 45 years later, with, if I am quiet enough, maybe they will turn down the music so we are allowed to speak.
#PTSD doesn't go away.
@autisticbookclub I bet there are quite a few around, ABC. I think it's a difficult thing to talk about sometimes because so much of parenting is portrayed by allistics in an idyllic, romanticised way so we probably feel a bit guilty for talking about some of the struggles or challenges we face.
You know, one of the shocking things for me has been coming to grips with just how different my child's needs are to mine - despite the fact that we are both autistic. While that might sound self evident to some, I too randomly expected my child and I would just "click" with ease & not have competing sensory & social needs. But here we are - two vastly different humans. I totally hear you & relate to what you are saying, in other words.
Would love to hear from more #actuallyautistic parents. #Schooltrauma is no joke.
#actuallyautistic #schooltrauma
@BreezieLT I’m wondwr how many other #ActuallyAutistic parents of #AutisticChildren there are on here?
My kids are struggling, even with their relationship with me. I didn’t expect that at all. I thought because we are all Autistic we would understand each other and there’d be no teenage problems. I was wrong. 😑
#AutisticParents #SchoolTrauma @ActuallyAutistic
#actuallyautistic #autisticchildren #AutisticParents #schooltrauma
I see people posting lists of interests as hashtags, so I figured I'd jump on the bandwagon... :)
#Neurodivergent #ActuallyAutistic #SchoolTrauma
#NonBinary #Lesbian #LGBTQIA
#TraumaHealing #CPTSD #InternalFamilySystems #Narcissism #NarcissisticAbuse
#PersonalGrowth #Multipotentialite #Autodidact #Unschooling
#MartialArts #InlineSkating #Linux #Writing #Blogging #Music #Art #Programming #Gaming
#Cats #Dogs #Wolves #Horses #Animals
#neurodivergent #actuallyautistic #schooltrauma #nonbinary #lesbian #lgbtqia #traumahealing #cptsd #internalfamilysystems #narcissism #narcissisticabuse #personalgrowth #Multipotentialite #Autodidact #unschooling #martialarts #inlineskating #linux #writing #blogging #music #art #programming #gaming #cats #dogs #wolves #horses #animals
I like being in University. I enjoy the environment of being around other people studying stuff that I am interested in. However school has made me scared of writing. Every time I try to type out stuff for school now I have a sense of dread. I feel like a failure and waste of space.
I remember the screaming I did when doing school because I found the who processes so stressful. ever bit of writing was hell to get be to do it as fast as wanted. the only able to work on stuff after being so emotionally exhausted that I could not resist any more. I wanted to learn but for many reasons including ADHD and dyslexia I struggled to write.
Getting ADHD meds helped me be able to work of stuff more independently and with a lot less emotional pain but it never went away.
I now am at the point where when I am on top of everything I can do my English writing okay. But the problems are not gone. when I get behind I feel like there is something eating at me and I start to struggle to work. I feel like my existence is a negative on the people around me and avoid taking any action.
I know that this to most seems silly. Why can you write here but struggle to even open the document for my assignment. I do not know why. I wish I knew how to deal with this better but so far I do not. I just want to be free from this.
#school #schooltrauma #writing #adhd #dyslexia
Was there a moment when you stopped thinking, "what's wrong with me?" and started thinking "what's wrong with everything around me??"
For me it was seven years ago when my kid wasn't thriving at school. When I brought it up they tried to persuade me that (if there was a problem) it was my kid. "No bullying here', they said. Practically overnight I turned from a meek, mild 'good girl' to a tornado 🌪️
#AskingAutistics #Neurodivergent #SchoolTrauma #Society #ActuallyAutistic
#actuallyautistic #society #schooltrauma #neurodivergent #askingautistics