The True Meaning Of The #Schrödinger #Equation
- Is the #SchrodingerEquation really a #Wave Equation? Or is it something else entirely?
#Science #Physics #Math #Maths #Mathematics #WaveMathematics #QuantumMechanics #QuantumPhysics #QM #SchrödingerEquation #Schrodinger #Newton #Acceleration #RestoringForce #Equilibrium #HeatDissipation #HarmonicOscillator #Heat #HeatEquation #Probability
#probability #heatequation #heat #harmonicoscillator #heatdissipation #equilibrium #restoringforce #acceleration #newton #qm #quantumphysics #quantummechanics #wavemathematics #mathematics #maths #math #physics #science #wave #schrodingerequation #equation #schrodinger
In the de Broglie-Bohm interpretation of quantum mechanics, the wave function acts as a pilot wave that obeys the Schrödinger equation. The guiding equation then determines the trajectories quantum particles take, removing the "measurement problem" from the theory.
\[\dfrac{\mathrm{d}\mathbf{Q}}{\mathrm{d}t}(t) = \dfrac{\hbar}{m} \operatorname{Im}\left(\dfrac{\nabla \psi}{\psi}\right)(\mathbf{Q}, t)\]
#BohmianMechanics #QuantumMechanics #SchrodingerEquation #GuidingEquation #WaveFunction
#wavefunction #guidingequation #schrodingerequation #quantummechanics #bohmianmechanics
In the de Broglie-Bohm interpretation of quantum mechanics, the wave function acts as a pilot wave that obeys the Schrödinger equation. The guiding equation then determines the trajectories quantum particles take, removing the "measurement problem" from a theory.
\[\dfrac{\mathrm{d}\mathbf{Q}}{\mathrm{d}t}(t) = \dfrac{\hbar}{m} \operatorname{Im}\left(\dfrac{\nabla \psi}{\psi}\right)(\mathbf{Q}, t)\]
#BohmianMechanics #QuantumMechanics #SchrodingerEquation #GuidingEquation #WaveFunction
#wavefunction #guidingequation #schrodingerequation #quantummechanics #bohmianmechanics
In the de Broglie-Bohm interpretation of quantum mechanics, the wave function acts as a pilot wave that obeys the Schrödinger equation. The guiding equation then determines the trajectories quantum particles take, removing the "measurement problem" from a theory.
\[\dfrac{d\mathbf{Q}}{dt}(t) = \dfrac{\hbar}{m} \operatorname{Im}\left(\dfrac{\nabla \psi}{\psi}\right)(\mathbf{Q}, t)\]
#BohmianMechanics #QuantumMechanics #SchrodingerEquation #GuidingEquation #WaveFunction
#wavefunction #guidingequation #schrodingerequation #quantummechanics #bohmianmechanics
\(\text{In the de Broglie-Bohm interpretation of quantum mechanics, the wave function acts as a pilot wave that obeys the Schrödinger equation. The guiding equation then determines the trajectories quantum particles take, removing the "measurement problem" from a theory.}\)
\[{\dfrac{d\mathbf{Q}}{dt}(t) = \dfrac{\hbar}{m} \operatorname{Im}\left(\dfrac{\nabla \psi}{\psi}\right)(\mathbf{Q}, t)\]
#BohmianMechanics #QuantumMechanics #SchrodingerEquation #GuidingEquation #WaveFunction
#wavefunction #guidingequation #schrodingerequation #quantummechanics #bohmianmechanics
\(\text{In the de Broglie-Bohm interpretation of quantum mechanics, the wave function acts as a pilot wave that obeys the Schrödinger equation. The guiding equation then determines the trajectories quantum particles take, removing the "measurement problem" from a theory.\}\)
\[{\dfrac{d\mathbf{Q}}{dt}(t) = \dfrac{\hbar}{m} \operatorname{Im}\left(\dfrac{\nabla \psi}{\psi}\right)(\mathbf{Q}, t)\]
#BohmianMechanics #QuantumMechanics #SchrodingerEquation #GuidingEquation #WaveFunction\]
#wavefunction #guidingequation #schrodingerequation #quantummechanics #bohmianmechanics
In the de Broglie-Bohm interpretation of quantum mechanics, the wave function acts as a pilot wave that obeys the Schrödinger equation. The guiding equation then determines the trajectories quantum particles take, removing the "measurement problem" from a theory.
\[\boxed{\dfrac{d\mathbf{Q}}{dt}(t) = \dfrac{\hbar}{m} \operatorname{Im}\left(\dfrac{\nabla \psi}{\psi}\right)(\mathbf{Q}, t)}\]
#BohmianMechanics #QuantumMechanics #SchrodingerEquation #GuidingEquation #WaveFunction
#wavefunction #guidingequation #schrodingerequation #quantummechanics #bohmianmechanics