sneedy maccreedy · @crumbleneedy
75 followers · 133 posts · Server

@jastsa @classicalmusic
great discussion! so hard to pick 7 but here goes:

ellington is my favorite composer bar none, but he isn't often considered a 'classical' composer, and i'll just say that if gershwin (whose songs i infinitely prefer to his long-form works) is classical, so is ellington - if having done a longform work is a criterion, 'black, brown and beige' checks the box (and listen to the 50s version with mahalia jackson).

strong seconds:

#bach #beethoven #chopin #ellington #haydn #schubert #weill #bachcpe #barber #duparc #faure #grondahl #massenet #monteverdi #mozart #nikoleyeva #poulenc #prokofiev #rota #schostakovich #schumannclara #schumannrobert #stravinsky #tchaikovsky #vonbingen #wolf

Last updated 2 years ago