For More Images & Information: https://blog.illestpreacha.com/sciartseptember2023battle
For the Second prompt of SciArtSeptember2023: Battle, I merged Glitchlab with previously LiveCodeLab coded Imagery of Zenthian to showcase the PostBattle Effect that occurred to this ecosystem.
Post Battle Scars
Post Battle Routines
These are but a few of the scenes
That happened both near and far
These are the scenes
These are the imageries
That have their own chapter within the stories
#sciartseptember #sciartseptember2 #sciartseptember2023 #creativecoding #coding
#newmedia #scifi #animation #sciart #monthlychallenge
#SciArtSeptember #sciartseptember2 #sciartseptember2023 #creativecoding #coding #newmedia #scifi #animation #sciart #monthlychallenge