*Syringol* - The Syringol molecule; the aroma of food cooked by smoking. Syringol is smokin'!
I started off this one with a fluid art background, but after many attempts I decided it would look better with a simpler, less busy background.
Digital art edited in GIMP. Using public-domain/royalty-free images.
Prints available here: https://kerravonsen.redbubble.com/works/138553276-Syringol-the-Smoked-Food-Molecule?asc=u
#SmokedFoodMolecule #SyringolMolecule #MoleculeArt #ChemistryArt #ScienceA
#sciencea #chemistryart #moleculeart #syringolmolecule #smokedfoodmolecule