// The #planet that shouldn't exist : https://www.sciencealert.com/life-after-death-scientists-discover-a-planet-that-shouldnt-exist
#timeline #sciencealert #repost #planet
// #Atlantic #Ocean circulation could collapse by #2050 : https://www.sciencealert.com/atlantic-ocean-circulation-could-collapse-by-2050-scientists-warn?utm_source=flipboard&utm_content=topic%2Fscience
#timeline #sciencealert #repost #ocean #atlantic
23-29 April 2023: This week in science: from wound-healing technology and the liquid core of Mars to dark matter investigations and more!
β‘π§ π π²π¦ποΈ
Biochip https://buff.ly/3mYhYr8
Alzheimer's https://buff.ly/3HfaPK1
Mars https://buff.ly/3Nk3CfG
Logjam https://buff.ly/41LMh3o
Einstein rings https://buff.ly/3oKwxiR
Andes https://buff.ly/3V3JK23
#health #WoundHealing #electricity #bioelectronics #Alzheimers #sleep #neuroscience #brain #BrainScience #neurology #space #Mars #MarsCore #SpaceDiscoveries #environment #logjam #CarbonStorage #physics #EinsteinRings #GravitationalLensing #DarkMatter #axions #nature #AndesMountains #TectonicPlates #geology #science #ScienceAlert #STEM
#twis #health #woundhealing #electricity #bioelectronics #alzheimers #sleep #neuroscience #brain #brainscience #neurology #Space #mars #marscore #spacediscoveries #environment #logjam #carbonstorage #physics #einsteinrings #gravitationallensing #darkmatter #axions #Nature #andesmountains #tectonicplates #geology #Science #sciencealert #stem
16-22 April 2023: This week in science β Starship's first test flight! #TWIS
Starship https://buff.ly/41JDa34
String theory https://buff.ly/3mS3skS
Eyesight https://buff.ly/3KH0wPY
Garbage https://buff.ly/3N1GJNZ
Quasars https://buff.ly/41KKonh
Cold temps https://buff.ly/3MUiiBI
#space #SpaceX #starship #physics #StringTheory #BlackHoles #nature #eyesight #genetics #DNA #evolution #environment #GreatPacificGarbagePatch #pollution #PlasticPollution #MarineLife #Quasars #DoubleQuasar #MergingGalaxies #BigBang #discoveries #health #cold #ColdTemperatures #longetivity #lifespan #science #ScienceAlert #STEM
#twis #Space #spacex #starship #physics #stringtheory #blackholes #Nature #eyesight #genetics #dna #evolution #environment #greatpacificgarbagepatch #pollution #plasticpollution #marinelife #quasars #doublequasar #merginggalaxies #bigbang #discoveries #health #cold #coldtemperatures #longetivity #lifespan #Science #sciencealert #stem
9-15 April 2023: Some incredible physics progress this week in science! ππππ»πͺπ¦
Earth core https://www.sciencealert.com/earths-core-appears-to-be-wrapped-in-an-unexpected-ancient-structure
Antineutrinos https://www.sciencealert.com/the-ghostly-glow-of-a-nuclear-power-station-detected-in-pure-water-150-miles-away
New car https://www.sciencealert.com/driving-a-brand-new-car-could-come-at-a-cost-to-your-health
Qubit https://www.sciencealert.com/physicists-extend-qubit-lifespan-in-pivotal-validation-of-quantum-computing
Uranus https://www.sciencealert.com/scientists-just-used-the-most-powerful-space-telescope-ever-built-to-look-at-uranus
Bacteria https://www.sciencealert.com/dangerous-flesh-eating-microbes-pose-growing-threat-along-us-coast
#nature #geology #Earth #SeismicWaves #UltraLowVelocityZones #physics #QuantumComputing #qubits #tech #neutrinos β#health #bacteria #space #Uranusβ #environment #GlobalWarming #science #ScienceAlert #STEM
#twis #Nature #geology #earth #seismicwaves #ultralowvelocityzones #physics #quantumcomputing #qubits #Tech #neutrinos #health #bacteria #Space #uranus #environment #globalwarming #Science #sciencealert #stem
// A New Kind of Time Crystal Has Been Created : https://www.sciencealert.com/a-new-kind-of-time-crystal-has-been-created-that-does-interesting-things-to-light/amp
#timeline #sciencealert #repost
Is this the cutest fungus ever!? π²ππ
This mini mushroom was found in Taiwan and is believed to be Mycena subcyanocephala, often called the blue-headed bonnet. The species is characterized by its teeny tiny height of around 1-3 cm, and its blue to blue-gray cap (typically only 0.5β1.5 cm in diameter).
M. subcyanocephala thrives in temperate climates and usually colonizes decaying wood or leaf litter.
βπ· Eric Cho/iNaturalist
#nature #mycena #mycology #fungus #science #ScienceAlert #STEM
#Nature #mycena #mycology #fungus #Science #sciencealert #stem
// Physicists Have Successfully Generated Tiny #SolarFlares In The Lab : https://www.sciencealert.com/physicists-have-successfully-generated-tiny-solar-flares-in-the-lab/amp
#timeline #sciencealert #repost #solarflares
9-15 April 2023: This week in science we fought antibiotic resistance and observed a shapeshifting galaxy!ππππ§ππ§
Elephants https://www.sciencealert.com/wild-elephants-appear-to-have-been-domesticated-but-not-by-humans
Silver leaf https://www.sciencealert.com/plant-fungus-infects-human-in-first-reported-case-of-its-kind
Galaxy https://www.sciencealert.com/astronomers-just-found-a-radio-galaxy-that-turned-into-a-blazar
Ice Ic. https://www.sciencealert.com/disputed-variant-of-ice-could-exist-in-nature-after-all-according-to-a-new-experiment
Greenland https://www.sciencealert.com/the-greenland-ice-sheet-is-getting-close-to-a-melting-point-of-no-return
Bacteriophage https://www.sciencealert.com/scientists-find-antibiotic-free-way-to-treat-drug-resistant-infections
#elephants #fungi #pathogen #space #galaxies #CubicIce #bacteria #AntibioticResistance #GoldenStaph #bacteriophages #ClimateChange #science #ScienceAlert #STEM
#twis #elephants #fungi #pathogen #Space #galaxies #cubicice #bacteria #antibioticresistance #goldenstaph #bacteriophages #ClimateChange #Science #sciencealert #stem
This week in science: genetics, history, visualizing light and more! #TWIS
Beethoven https://bit.ly/3ZdJa2e
Gamma rays https://bit.ly/3LArBGp
Heatwaves https://buff.ly/3JtpKRf
Caffeine https://buff.ly/3JmSTgO
Notre Dame https://bit.ly/3mVGjNU
Planets https://bit.ly/42qxTOZ
#beethoven #history #GammaRays #universe #heatwaves #OceanWarming #caffeine #genetics #NotreDame #discoveries #PlanetaryAlignment #astronomy #science #ScienceAlert #STEM
#twis #beethoven #history #gammarays #universe #heatwaves #oceanwarming #caffeine #genetics #notredame #discoveries #planetaryalignment #astronomy #Science #sciencealert #stem
Echoes in time, nickelback, and Venus oceans, this week in science! βοΈπ§β‘π§ βοΈπ
Fast shutter https://bit.ly/3JxveeP
Iceberg https://bit.ly/3JixEwq
Time mirror https://bit.ly/3ZIlWT7
Brain map https://bit.ly/3JctM02
Nickelback https://bit.ly/3lfmD7h
Venus https://bit.ly/3Jww76r
#ThisWeekInScience #physics #DynamicDisorder #chaos #iceberg #TimeReflections #connectome #BrainMap #neuroscience #precursor #life #protein #nickelback #venus #science #ScienceAlert #STEM
#twis #thisweekinscience #physics #dynamicdisorder #chaos #iceberg #timereflections #connectome #brainmap #neuroscience #precursor #life #protein #nickelback #venus #Science #sciencealert #stem
Children With Autism 'See' This Optical Illusion in a Unique Way, Experiment Finds
Do you see what I see?
#neurodiversity #Science #sciencealert #stem
Chemistry can be cute and fluffy too π₯Ή
Chemist, Pichayut Tananchayakul, researches thiophene-based materials for organic electronic devices, like photovoltaic cells.
Whilst he was finishing purifying a precursor to one of his target molecules, amazingly the material started crystallizing into this round cluster!
π· Pichayut Tananchayakul
#crystals #chemistry #SciencePhotography #science #ScienceAlert #STEM
#crystals #chemistry #sciencephotography #Science #sciencealert #stem
From a hidden pyramid corridor, and asteroid deflection, to molecular discoveries #TWIS
Aurora images https://bit.ly/3ZcND6d
Pyramid corridor https://bit.ly/3Zy8zo2
Magnetic field https://bit.ly/3YYFt19
Orca and whale https://bit.ly/41stYAD
Asteroid deflected https://bit.ly/3xZmSGr
Sweetener https://bit.ly/3ZlIOr2
#aurora #space #astronomy #AstroPhotography #pyramids #history #BurialChamber #GizaPyramid #Egypt #Earth #discoveries #chemistry #MagneticFields #orcas #PilotWhale #BabyWhale #AmazingNature #AmazingAnimals #MarineLife #Ocean #MolecularBiology #AmazingScience #nature #BeautyOfNature #chemistry #ArtificialSweeteners #science #ScienceAlert #STEM
#twis #aurora #Space #astronomy #astrophotography #pyramids #history #burialchamber #gizapyramid #egypt #earth #discoveries #chemistry #magneticfields #orcas #pilotwhale #babywhale #amazingnature #amazinganimals #marinelife #ocean #molecularbiology #amazingscience #Nature #beautyofnature #artificialsweeteners #Science #sciencealert #stem
'Ghostly' Glow of Entangled Light Now Reveals Hidden Objects Better Than Ever
Not your typical kind of photography.
#physics #GhostImaging #QuantumEntanglement #photons #photography #light #science #ScienceAlert #STEM
#physics #ghostimaging #quantumentanglement #photons #photography #light #Science #sciencealert #stem
Check out this adorable Martian meteorite! π€©π₯°
βThis incredible image of space rock was taken by the Mastcam onboard NASA's Mars rover Curiosity on Sol 3735, and sent all the way to Earth to make a big impression on us!π
βSol (from the Latin word for sun) is a solar day on Mars; a Mars day β almost 40 minutes longer than an Earth day. Curiosity has been giving us a captivating glimpse into the mysteries of Mars for 3755 sols π€©
βπ· NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS/fredk
#science #ScienceAlert
New Study Reveals Yet Another Surprising Function of Telomeres
A secret protein production factory.
#telomeres #genetics #genes #biomarkers #research #disease #ScienceDiscoveries #science #ScienceAlert #STEM
#telomeres #genetics #genes #biomarkers #research #disease #sciencediscoveries #Science #sciencealert #stem
Wow, that's a lot of teeth! π¬π²
This is a Pacific Stargazer or Astroscopus zephyreus, known as miraestrella perro in Spanish. This slightly terrifying but amazing fish was found in Mexico.
π· iNaturalist/Alboerto AlcalΓ‘
#nature #ichthyology #biodiversity #MarineScience #marine #MarineLife #teeth #fish #PacificStargazer #MiraestrellaPerro #SciencePhotography #science #ScienceAlert #STEM
#Nature #ichthyology #biodiversity #marinescience #marine #marinelife #teeth #fish #pacificstargazer #miraestrellaperro #Science #sciencealert #stem #sciencephotography
A near-perfect fossil of a pterosaur, Sinopterus dongi! π²
This specimen is from the early Cretaceous period, thatβs about 145 to 100 million years ago! This species probably had an average wingspan of over 1 meter!
This specimen was collected in Chaoyang, Liaoning, China and is now part of the Museum of Natural History in Beijing.
π· National Museum of Natural Science, Taiwan
#paleontology #pterosaur #SinopterusDongi #fossil #cretaceous #history #discoveries #science #ScienceAlert #STEM
#paleontology #pterosaur #sinopterusdongi #fossil #cretaceous #history #discoveries #Science #sciencealert #stem
Brain or coral?π§ π
Diploria labyrinthiformis is commonly known as grooved brain coral. This species of reef-building coral has a hemispherical, brain-like shape and interconnected double valleys.
Diploriaβs valleys are long and narrow, with a groove along each wide wall, usually as wide and deep as the valley. There can be color differences between the valleys and grooves.
1,2 π· Corpus Christi Museum
3,4 π· University of Warwick
#diploria #Science #sciencealert #stem